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clivis stem length #803

Closed eroux closed 8 years ago

eroux commented 8 years ago

Clivis stem length may vary according to books, needs to be able to output different types of stem length.

eroux commented 8 years ago

(well, there are some incoherences I'm a bit puzzled about in this image, so it's going back to the drawing board, sorry...)

henryso commented 8 years ago

Could it be that the "longqueue"-ness of the line depends on the position of the bottom of the line rather than the note at the top of the line?

eroux commented 8 years ago

You're 100% right, I didn't realize that! Anyways, the global idea is:

eroux commented 8 years ago

Things are not 100% decided yet, but here are some features that could be implemented already:

Options for cases where the second note is between lines (hg):

  1. keep the same length as we have now (if possible a bit lower, but that's not very important)
  2. cross the bottom line
  3. stop the stem in the middle of the second note

One of these options will be chosen, but it's good to keep that in mind, and, if it's simple (which I doubt, but who knows), users could choose between these options.

I think several points can be discussed before having all the details:

  1. first, does everyone agree with those changes? It seems the two big projects using Gregorio agree, but Gregorio should remain independent!
  2. what the best way to discuss that? Here in this topic? A very complete example should be built with all these stems so that we can "draw" the correct stem length on it, but I don't know what would be the best way to do that
  3. all these new glyphs for porrectus (even just with ambitus one), ancus, salicus, clivis, pes quadratum, etc. will be many, will it fit in PUA? If not, can we take other private use parts (not supported in old LuaTeX), or should we use the fuse system?
henryso commented 8 years ago

To answer your points directly:

  1. I'm not really the person to ask about the artistic nature of things, but I am happy with these suggestions. I have always felt that (most of) the stems produced by Gregorio are too short.
  2. I think it would be good to open this up to the list once the details are worked out, if only to get input (or tacit acceptance).
  3. If we select exactly one of those three options, we're essentially doubling the number of all glyphs for which the second note is lower than the first. If you include the porrectus flexus, we will overrun the BMP-PUA (or get really, really close). We can certainly push into PUA-A and PUA-B, but, as we know, that slows things down significantly. If we remove the old-style fusion of the torculus resupinus flexus, we should have enough space to fit everything.

We can give the user those stem options through different fonts (like the Dominican fonts), but that's 18 fonts in total, each about 1MB in size, so perhaps the user will have to roll their chosen variety if they don't want the default or we can have a supplementary font pack or something.

eroux commented 8 years ago

Looking back at the font, I think we're ok in terms of number of glyphs, as we already have longqueue versions for all of them except porrectus, so that should fit easily right? I also like the idea of an additional font pack, or maybe we can provide some fonts per request (if we implement a switch in, which seems like a good idea)?

henryso commented 8 years ago

We have about 1000 free glyphs. Porrectus adds 100 longqueue glyphs, porrectus flexus adds 500, fusion flexus adds 5. I think that should fit, then.

eroux commented 8 years ago

Good, that was close! I've created fix-803 branch on this repo so that we can work all together on this if needed. @henryso I was wondering if you could make the LongQueue depend on the second note (or previous note in case of pes quadratum, salicus, etc.) on the C side?

henryso commented 8 years ago

@eroux I'll try to do it this weekend.

henryso commented 8 years ago

0a8b40e5cd3775377e5c5ea194744cf413236105 generates "Porrectus...Longqueue" shape references, which will obviously break until they are added to the font. The "virga reversa" and "oriscus scapus" fusion glyphs will need to change as well, to lengthen their stems.

It turns out that we already have long and short varieties of those (though with virga-length stems throughout the ambitus range), which saves us 5 glyphs. On the flip side, I forgot about the flexus fusion glyphs (the ones that look like the first two notes of a porrectus, which that commit also will generate) so that adds 25 more. Finally, there are the old-style "porrectus deminutus" shapes, for another 25 more. We can still fit, but it's getting tighter.

eroux commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot, this is a huge help!

henryso commented 8 years ago

I made the porrectus ambitus-one change. Once the fonts are updated, I'll have a better idea if it actually works.

eroux commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot! Things are getting quite slowly on the font size, because the more information I get the more difficult it becomes... There are other things I'll need from the C side, but I'll tell you when things settle down

eroux commented 8 years ago

If you take a look at 1934 Antiphonale Monasticum p. 396 line 1, p. 347 line 7 and p. 397 line 4, you'll see that clivis deminutus with ambitus 1 can have 3 different stem length:

the first two are the same, but in some fonts they may not be, so there really are 3 different cases to handle.

I don't really know how to handle this, a few more information:

henryso commented 8 years ago

How about the one on page 397, line 5? That stem doesn't even reach the bottom line and contradicts the picture at the start of this issue.

Also, if the second note is a, there will be a ledger line.

Page 397 is actually pretty good. It shows four different cases.

henryso commented 8 years ago

The best word I can come up with is "open". An "openqueue" has nothing below it. Of course, looking at line 5 of page 397, that's not exactly an open queue, but at least it's a word that's not too long.

eroux commented 8 years ago

The image at the start of this issue is quite out of date now, it should be ignored (I'll edit the description).

Also, looking back at source material, this only concerns clivis and clivis deminutus with ambitus one, not the others, so no need to be that generic. Having just and would be enough in terms of font should be enough. What do you think?

I think the main difficulty though is for the C code to call these when needed. It's particularly difficult for dc, because the glyph used will be different if there is a ledger line or not. And by nature we cannot really decide this, even with convoluted TeX algorithm trying to guess from saved position values. The reason why we cannot decide (at least not in a definitive way) is that if this appears slightly after a ledger line, a user may want to keep the normal glyph, not the .open one. The problem is that I cannot see any way to do that except by adding a command in gabc, something like (dc[ll]) that would force gregorio not to take the .open version. What do you think?

henryso commented 8 years ago

We already have a way to suggest to gregorio that there is a ledger line: [ll:0] tells gregorio to assume there is no low ledger line and [ll:1] tells gregorio to assume there is a low ledger line. We can piggyback off of that and the same heuristic for which this was a correction.

Also, I wouldn't use .open since that is for variants. This would be more like FlexusOpenqueueOneNothing and FlexusOpenqueueOneDeminutus.

eroux commented 8 years ago

That would be wonderful to adapt [ll:x] indeed! Ok for FlexusOpenqueueOneNothing, looks good. The main question now is the following, which direction to go between:

I would tend to do the first, but I'm often wrong in this kind of decision...

henryso commented 8 years ago

It's hard to answer without seeing the full breadth of use cases in front of you (and even then might be difficult). I would go with the latter if there is even a small possibility that you'd want to use the "open" variant somewhere other than below the staff, and if that's the case, I would first try to see if the rule we are using is actually what's wrong before implementing the generic system.

The thing that should lean you towards the generic system is if someone wants to use the "open" glyph in some unusual place, and when asked why, the answer is something like "it looks better that way" or "I like how that shape looks there", and not something technical like "it's next to something", or "it's between something and something else", or even "in pieces prior to 1000 AD, this better represents the figure".

eroux commented 8 years ago

Well, considering that it took 9 years before anybody complained with the stem length, I think only very few people really care about it... And when trying to ask them what they really want, the extremely blur answer I receive makes me think that nobody will be very strong minded about that! So the first option seems quite good...

If we go in that direction, what needs to be implemented is:

There will also be rules for salicus and ancus, but these are not decided yet... I'll make the font part, if you can make the C part that would help quite a lot!

henryso commented 8 years ago

Is this just for ambitus one? Is ec open if there is no ledger line? Never mind, reviewing the comments, you've already answered this.

eroux commented 8 years ago

I think you deleted your comment about lonqueues on a, but it was relevant, I think all glyphs should follow the same rule as porrectus described above (always short for a, short for c if no ledger line)

henryso commented 8 years ago

I deleted it because I was off by 1. b was always getting a longqueue, and it should continue to do so. a was always getting a shortqueue, but now should get an openqueue if that applies.

henryso commented 8 years ago

If there is a ledger line below a d, it currently gets a longqueue, else a shortqueue. Should this behavior change with regard to this? Should it get an openqueue instad of a shortqueue? Does it differ for a single note or as the second note in a clivis?

eroux commented 8 years ago

That's a good question...

For the second note of a clivis, there is no change if the second note is d in the 1934 Antiphonale Monasticum (p.402 line 5 and p. 373 line 3), but I'm not entirely sure everyone will agree with this... So let's keep it normal (longueue) for now, and if there is a strong will to change, we'll provide it as an option.

But for the virga, I'd say open, as dv should be coherent with dc...

How does that sound?

henryso commented 8 years ago

I'm fine with the first part of your answer, but the second has a bit of nuance to it.

dv is based on the d pitch but dc is based on the c pitch. dc is either shortqueue (if there is a ledger line) or openqueue (if not). dv would be longqueue if there is a ledger line or what if there isn't? shortqueue? openqueue? something new?

eroux commented 8 years ago

I was thinking about openqueue

henryso commented 8 years ago

The logic is becoming a little bit complex now. While I will continue making the changes you request and doing some spot checks before the fonts are ready, I expect there to be a number of problems that I'll have to fix when the fonts come in.

eroux commented 8 years ago

Yes, sorry to take so much time! I'm struggling with fontforge right now (points don't move when asked to!)... I hope I'll be able to have something ready tonight, but I'm not really sure...

eroux commented 8 years ago

@henryso the fonts should generate correctly now if you want to test the C part

henryso commented 8 years ago
Notes for #840 and #841
The following things were changed in some way:
Other Notes:
eroux commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot! I'll be fixing the problems you spotted this morning, a few other points:

eroux commented 8 years ago

I've changed yaml to json (as support seems to be native), what do you think?

I've also started to actually tune queues a little, it seems more reasonable than what we had before, but still many details (and bugs) to work on!

henryso commented 8 years ago

I'm fine with json. Native support clinches it.

In reviewing the font generation error messages, I found an issue with the the ascending oriscus scapus fusion glyphs, which I've pushed/merged into the branch.

The queues do look a bit better, but I agree they need more tuning.

eroux commented 8 years ago

thanks a lot for the bug! I'm almost done with a first serious attempt (which will need to be validated by the Antiphonale Monasticum and Solesmes), but I need a few small modifications in the code:

Would that be easy for you to make these changes?

henryso commented 8 years ago

I'll try to make these changes tonight, but I can't guarantee that I will complete them as I have an activity tonight.

henryso commented 8 years ago

I think I made the changes your requested, but I admit it's getting a little confusing. Here's the updated PDF.

eroux commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot! There are still a few things to be dealt with... could you send me the corresponding gabc file so that I can modify it directly?

henryso commented 8 years ago

I pushed the test that generates that PDF into gregorio-test under the fix-803 branch.

eroux commented 8 years ago

The current state starts to look fine. I'm supposed to get an answer from the Antiphonale Monasticum project soon, but I think you can start to review the default stem length schema. You can use this gabc to review most of the different lengths. Please write all your remarks, Gregorio doesn't have to do exactly the same as the Antiphonale Monasticum project or Solesmes, so we can add another separate schema.

eroux commented 8 years ago

I got a confirmation on two points on the C side:

@henryso do you think you could make the change?

henryso commented 8 years ago

Should dcd be short regardless of whether there is a ledger line?

eroux commented 8 years ago

Sorry, no, if there's a ledger line, it should be long

eroux commented 8 years ago

A few more changes if you have time:

henryso commented 8 years ago

What do you mean by "second clivis"? Ambitus one clivis?

henryso commented 8 years ago

I think [ll:0] and [ll:1] are working, and you are being thrown off by the "confirmation" changes not being implemented. After those changes, it looks like this:


ed[ll:0] produces \GreCPFlexusOpenqueueOneNothing, ed[ll:1] produces \GreCPFlexusLongqueueOneNothing (again, AFTER the changes).

henryso commented 8 years ago

I think it looks pretty good based on your test file. My only problem is with ba (open queue) and aqb (also open queue):

\GreCPFlexusOpenqueueOneNothing image


\GreCPPesQuadratumOpenqueueOneNothing image

Perhaps this is related to what you meant by "second clivis"?

eroux commented 8 years ago

Thanks, I meant ambitus one indeed

eroux commented 8 years ago

I've pushed some fixes, inluding the one for open pes quadratum, thanks for spotting it!

I've updated too, it's meant to be tested with


One final change that will be needed is for alternative porrectus deminutus, I now generate all PorrectusLongqueueXYDeminutus and PorrectusLongqueueXYDeminutus.alt (Deminutus only), could the C code reflect that?

Also, what I meant with my ambitus one short-long inversion is the following:

What do you think?