Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 8 years ago
Interlocked.Exchange(ref this.socket, null);
Original comment by
on 15 Oct 2013 at 3:47
The Socket.Close() method calls Dispose internally. The above will correctly
handle race conditions for the dispose method, however, it does not handle the
general case.
Original comment by
on 30 Oct 2013 at 2:57
[deleted comment]
Shutdown -> Close -> Dispose sequence is as same as 1.3.39 trunk.
The point of change is calling Interlocked.Exchange to prevent to access the
socket by other thread.
< try { if (socket != null) {
< Trace("dispose", "closing socket...");
< socket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both);
< socket.Close();
< socket.Dispose();
< Trace("dispose", "closed socket");
< } } catch (Exception ex){
< Trace("dispose", ex.Message);
< }
< socket = null;
> var socket = Interlocked.Exchange(ref this.socket, null);
> if (socket != null) {
> try {
> Trace("dispose", "closing socket...");
> socket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both);
> socket.Close();
> Trace("dispose", "closed socket");
> } catch (Exception ex){
> Trace("dispose", ex.Message);
> }
> }
Original comment by
on 20 Nov 2013 at 12:14
The reason to modify this is about first chance exception. My colleagues and I
usually enable "Break When an Exception is Thrown" for Common Language Runtime
Exceptions because we don't want any exception if usual. In the 1.3.39 trunk,
RedisConnectionBase.OnDispose can be invoked by multiple threads:
* RedisConnectionBase instance is disposed by user context. Then,
* AsyncReadCompleted spots end of stream and shutdown and dispose socket.
This simultaneous executions always occur whenever you call Dispose method of
RedisConnectionBase which leads debugger to break by throwing exception.
Interlocked.Exchange guarantees the only one thread executing OnDispose method
can access "socket" field. Because an ObjectDisposedException is thrown by
calling Dispose() on socket instance twice, this doesn't happen anymore;
because a NullReferenceException is thrown by accessing socket after nullify
field, this doesn't happen anymore, either.
Original comment by
on 20 Nov 2013 at 3:03
This is addressed in StackExchange.Redis, the successor to BookSleeve
Original comment by marc.gravell
on 20 Mar 2014 at 12:09
Original issue reported on by
on 15 Oct 2013 at 3:35