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can't find pynmea2 #1

Closed dillonbuhl closed 1 year ago

dillonbuhl commented 1 year ago

attempting to run as sudo ./ --serial /dev/ttyS1 --format nmea --interval 1 with Garmin NMEA coming in on multiple serial ports, including COM1. sudo seems to be needed to access ttyS1, is that right?...

getting: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pynmea2'

I've installed requirements.txt explicitly. Can import pynmea2 on the python interpreter command line no problem. Any idea why it might not be able to find it?


gregoryng commented 1 year ago

Is this on the virtual machine?

sudo seems to be needed to access ttyS1, is that right?...

Yeah that's right if you haven't given yourself the right group permissions (I didn't do anything special).

Add yourself the right group permissions like so

sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER Logout and then log back in for the group changes to take effect.

The problem with not finding the package is that since you are sudoing, it is looking for packages in the root user's installation of pip, and pynmea2 was installed for the non-root user. So there's your problem. Try running again without sudo and see if your permission error goes away, then if it finds the package.

You can also just check if the package is installed by running python3 as each user and running import pynmea2 at the command line and see what happens.

dillonbuhl commented 1 year ago

thx, changing the user permissions worked... that's kind of interesting... didn't even realize that /dev entities had same permission structure as normal files, but of course that makes sense

Now, I'm getting this, which I can't make too much out of:

igadmin@qcvm20a:~/Downloads/navcoldex_data/navcoldex_gnss_server$ ./ --serial /dev/ttyS1 --format nmea --interval 1 --host --port 4040
INFO:root:Listening on
Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/igadmin/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/serial/", line 398, in _reconfigure_port
    orig_attr = termios.tcgetattr(self.fd)
termios.error: (5, 'Input/output error')

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 932, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 870, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "./", line 160, in nmea_serial_handler
    ser = serial.Serial(serialport_name, 9600, timeout=1.)
  File "/home/igadmin/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/serial/", line 244, in __init__
  File "/home/igadmin/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/serial/", line 332, in open
  File "/home/igadmin/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/serial/", line 401, in _reconfigure_port
    raise SerialException("Could not configure port: {}".format(msg))
serial.serialutil.SerialException: Could not configure port: (5, 'Input/output error')
gregoryng commented 1 year ago

This would seem to indicate that /dev/ttyS1 isn't available?

Are you sure /dev/ttyS1 is where the garmin is connected?

What do you see when you go ls -l /dev/tty* ?

The /dev/ttyUSB's might be what you're looking for. Can you try talking to the USB port using other methods?

Also referencing #2, you probably don't need the --server and --host.

dillonbuhl commented 1 year ago

same error when I don't specify the server and host...

there's a whole bunch of tty##'s and ttyS##'s listed but no ttyUSB##'s. The way I've gotten the Garmin to work for other applications is through a utility that takes in the Garmin stream and spits out NMEA on virtual serial ports.. I can see serial data coming across on com1 in windows (assuming that's the same as ttyS1, is that not true?).

gregoryng commented 1 year ago

Yeah server/host is irrelevant for this part of the issue.

How is VirtualBox configured to route the Windows USB device or serial port into the Guest OS?

dillonbuhl commented 1 year ago

thanks, yeah, that's what I was thinking too just now... I'll look at it.

cat /dev/ttyS# gives input/output error for 1,2,3,4...

gregoryng commented 1 year ago

In #3, you said

In virtual machine's settings, enabled a single serial port assigned to COM2 in "Host Device" mode

What dev does this com2 end up mapping to in Linux?

dillonbuhl commented 1 year ago

good question, forgot to mention that for posterity... it maps to /dev/ttyS1

That even though I pointed it at port COM2. Selection of COM2 was basically arbitrary; I was pointing realterm at COM1 in windows to see the NMEA stream. GpsGate sends NMEA over virtual ports related to both COM1 and COM2.