È un sistema smart che trasforma una normale macchina del caffè in un distributore intelligente usando un ESP32 e la tecnologia RFID. Immaginalo come un sistema di "caffè card" fatto in casa 🎯
Add a block to the system, preventing the use of the coffee machine, after a certain amount of coffees have been made. This is to ensure that the machine receives the adequate maintenance, such as descaling.
An Idea to this could be to make a special user called "maintenance" or "machine". This user's coffee counter will increment every time a coffee is being made. Every time an user tries to log in into the machine, the system check whether the special user has reached maximum amount of coffee, if that's so the user is being prevented access to the machine. The machine then needs to be cleaned and admins need to reset the maintenance counter.
Add a block to the system, preventing the use of the coffee machine, after a certain amount of coffees have been made. This is to ensure that the machine receives the adequate maintenance, such as descaling. An Idea to this could be to make a special user called "maintenance" or "machine". This user's coffee counter will increment every time a coffee is being made. Every time an user tries to log in into the machine, the system check whether the special user has reached maximum amount of coffee, if that's so the user is being prevented access to the machine. The machine then needs to be cleaned and admins need to reset the maintenance counter.