gregsadetsky / nycnoise
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consider/discuss plan of showing events either starting today or from 1 week ago + show next 3 weeks? #218

Open gregsadetsky opened 4 months ago

gregsadetsky commented 4 months ago

for @nycnoise 's consideration:



nycnoise commented 4 months ago

i am officially VERY INTO this idea of last wks + next 3 wks, especially after having the "future" setup in event adding for a bit...

gregsadetsky commented 4 months ago

some other rando thoughts...

pros/cons for all of these approaches, and obviously a departure from what you have today. but the big bonus of having a database is that we can experiment with these pretty easily. and see which we like / you feel is good, etc.!

oh and also, I do think that moving content up would be good, again especially on mobile

compare the current mobile homepage and what it could be below:

image image
nycnoise commented 4 months ago

OOOOH okay wait is the idea that it looks like that second image, but if you click "march" you can see the full calendar month??? bc i LOVE that

nycnoise commented 4 months ago

i think i actually need to poll people & find out how often people are checking for days other than day-of...

gregsadetsky commented 4 months ago

Yeah 100%. Default to today-at-the-top, and month names link to full calendars e.g. what we already show on /2024-03

Then we just decide whether we show 1-2 weeks (site will load in 50ms...) and then just have links to previous / current / next months in the footer and that's it.....???

Super easy lift

gregsadetsky commented 4 months ago

we're live with an experiment: !

feel free to send people there/check it out and we can iterate from this?

small notes: