gregsexton / gitv

gitk for Vim.
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show changes interactively #13

Closed phmarek closed 7 years ago

phmarek commented 13 years ago

When doing "git rebase -i" it would be nice to have a vertical split, with one side showing the rebase buffer and the other one the files changed and the diff related to the change the cursor is on.

When moving the cursor in the rebase buffer, the other pane should be updated immediately, without any intervention.

The same could be used for (fugitive's) Gstatus - showing the file diff in the other pane, or for Gitv browse mode - don't require an Enter.

Thank you very much for this very nice plugin!

gregsexton commented 13 years ago

I'm currently looking at a way of incorporating merging and rebasing. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll certainly think about them when looking at this.

rbong commented 7 years ago

Merging has been added since this issue was posted. Interactive rebasing is next on my list of new features.

rbong commented 7 years ago

Interactive rebasing is now possible. More automated rebasing might be possible in the future, like squashing ranges.

Note that the preview window does not yet know about the rebase window, but this will require a full revamp of the window system. I'm using #52 to handle these changes. For now, you can see the rebase commits while you navigate through the branches. While this isn't ideal, it will unfortunately have to do for now.

rbong commented 7 years ago

While the idea for having a rebase window that knows about the preview window has not been incorporated, you can now mark commits for rebase instructions before starting the rebase and view the rebase instructions next to the commit messages. I think an inline solution is nicer and still solves the problem.

I never addressed the other request. Unfortunately, updating the preview window while moving around will break some of the bindings introduced since this issue was created.