gregsexton / gitv

gitk for Vim.
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Buffer list cluttered #2

Closed ornicar closed 13 years ago

ornicar commented 13 years ago

Awesome plugin, congrats! There is a point of detail that unfortunately prevents me from using it in my daily workfow. The browser mode opens a lot of buffers, and do not close them. I use buffers a lot more than tabs to navigate in my open files, using lusty juggler by tpope. So having the buffer list cluttered with git revisions buffer is a real pain. Not sure if this can be fixed, and how. Is it possible to destroy automatically git buffers?

gregsexton commented 13 years ago

HI ornicar,

Thanks! I hadn't really noticed just how many buffers were being opened and how quickly it happens, as I use the buffer mode of FuzzyFinder.

I'm looking at a fix for this and currently playing with a few ideas. It's a fine line between cleaning up nicely and wiping out buffers that shouldn't be! Hopefully, I'll push out a fix for this pretty soon.

gregsexton commented 13 years ago

This should be completely resolved now. Buffers are wiped out as they are replaced. There is also an option to wipe out all buffers in the tab when closing gitv. Just be careful! :)

ornicar commented 13 years ago

ooooh this is freaking awesome. Thanks a lot, will try that

gregsexton commented 13 years ago

Let me know how you get on. Particularly if you have any issues!