gregsexton / gitv

gitk for Vim.
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Load More puts original commit list on the clipboard #32

Closed datalogics-kam closed 12 years ago

datalogics-kam commented 12 years ago

I'm using this with MacVim in a terminal on the Mac.

To reproduce:

  1. Copy something to the clipboard.
  2. Start Gitv.
  3. Go to TextEdit and paste. The original clipboard contents are there.
  4. Go to the end of the Gitv buffer where -- Load More -- is.
  5. Press <CR>
  6. Go to TextEdit and paste. The contents of the Gitv commit list are pasted.

It seems to be related to my having set clipboard=unnamed to share the unnamed register with the clipboard on MacOS. But I can't figure out what in the code is doing it.

Can you help?


Oh, and thanks for a cool plugin. I'm just getting started, but this looks very handy.

gregsexton commented 12 years ago


Quite right. gitv is messing with Vim's default register, which if you've set clipboard=unnamed will then in-turn mess with your system clipboard. I've never noticed this! Will investigate...



gregsexton commented 12 years ago

Just pushed a fix - pull the latest changes to get it. I think this covers it. Let me know if you have any other problems.



datalogics-kam commented 12 years ago

Finally was able to test this. Works like a charm! Thanks!

Also, wow, what a subtle change. I learned something about Vim today.