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question: What's the difference between <Enter> and <C-Enter> in gitv ? #37

Closed stardiviner closed 12 years ago

stardiviner commented 12 years ago

If you find a commit that you’re interested in and you want to view it in more detail you can press ctrl-enter. This will show you the full header of the commit including any extended message. It will also show you a diff so that you can easily view the other changes that this commit made, helping to put things in perspective.

The upper words is from: I try to press <C-Enter> on a commit in file mode. but no difference with <Enter>...

idbrii commented 12 years ago

FYI, this works for me (one changes the file in the bottom pane and the ctrl version shows a commit in the bottom pane). Check something isn't remapping:

verb map <Enter>
verb map <C-Enter>

For me, they both call OpenGitvCommit, but with different parameters.

stardiviner commented 12 years ago

Excerpts from [ GitHub ] //// On [2012-08-08 13:30:55 -0700]:

FYI, this works for me (one changes the file in the bottom pane and the ctrl version shows a commit in the bottom pane). Check something isn't remapping:

verb map <Enter>
verb map <C-Enter>

For me, they both call OpenGitvCommit, but with different parameters.

I checked, is correct, but is not mapped. (no mapping found).

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gregsexton commented 12 years ago

Do you have the latest version of gitv? Are you running Vim in the terminal?

stardiviner commented 12 years ago

Yes, I use the latest version of gitv.

gregsexton commented 12 years ago

No mapping found eh? What is the result of: :echo g:Gitv_DoNotMapCtrlKey?

gregsexton commented 12 years ago

Also, you didn't answer my question. Are you running Vim in the terminal?

stardiviner commented 12 years ago

I get 1 for the :echo g:Gitv_DoNotMapCtrlKey. Yes, I'm running Vim in terminal.

stardiviner commented 12 years ago

Solved after change option g:Gitv_DoNotMapCtrlKey into 0.