gregsexton / gitv

gitk for Vim.
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'yc' fails if vim is not compiled with xterm_clipboard #48

Closed sitaramc closed 11 years ago

sitaramc commented 11 years ago

Unfortunately many servers are setup with vim's that do not have this, which makes the 'yc' expand map choke on the "+,

idbrii commented 11 years ago

Does "* exist if you don't have xterm_clipboard? How do you copy text from vim to apply to other applications if you don't have a system clipboard (is there an alternative)?

sitaramc commented 11 years ago

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 10:37 PM, pydave wrote:

Does "* exist if you don't have xterm_clipboard? How do you copy text from vim to apply to other applications if you don't have a system clipboard (is there an alternative)?

Likely not. I basically ignored the whole thing and added this to my vimrc:

nmap     gS          m'$F[wyw`'

to my vimrc and anytime I want to do something that involves the commit SHA I use it, like for example:

nmap     gA          gS:!git commit --fixup=<C-R>"<CR>
nmap     gR          gS:!git rebase -i --autosquash <C-R>"<CR>

I would like vim settings not to assume xterm and such -- makes it less useful when running over ssh with X11 disabled etc (at minimum), but... shrug.

idbrii commented 11 years ago

Oh, you're using the hash within vim. Looks like copying it to "" in the absence of xterm_clipboard on unix would be sufficient:

Can you try

sitaramc commented 11 years ago

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 4:25 AM, pydave wrote:

Oh, you're using the hash within vim. Looks like copying it to "" in the absence of xterm_clipboard on unix would be sufficient:

Can you try #54

works perfectly; thanks!

gregsexton commented 11 years ago

Merged. Hopefully this should fix your issue. Thanks.