gregsexton / gitv

gitk for Vim.
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Make it a true gitk replacement #5

Closed sorin-ionescu closed 12 years ago

sorin-ionescu commented 13 years ago

Thank you for creating gitv. It's a promising replacement for gitk and tig. However, make it a true replacement for gitk by adding a Git hook, if possible, to open gitv instead of gitk.

gregsexton commented 13 years ago

I must admit I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this. Do you mean the ability to open gitv from the command line?

If so, the problem here is that the workflow is designed to be based around the current file open in Vim. That means that you must specify a file to be opened in order to view the repository; otherwise gitv does not know which repo to display. It can be done from the command line with something like vim -c ":Gitv" <file from repo>.

sorin-ionescu commented 13 years ago

That is exactly what I have meant. There are certain Git commands that open gitk. I would like for them to open gitv instead, if possible.

Silex commented 13 years ago

Just curious, what git command opens gitk?

adamreeve commented 13 years ago

I don't think there's a way to change the application run by gitk. On my machine the gitk executable is the Tcl script for the actual gitk application, rather than a wrapper. I made a one line bash script to run gitv that just contains: vim -c "silent Gitv $@" .

sorin-ionescu commented 13 years ago

@Silex git-bisect, git-citool, git-gui, some switches on other commands.

@adamreeve You don't change the application run by gitk. You change Git, if possible, to not call gitk but gitv. I have not looked if it's doable via gitconfig or a hook.

gregsexton commented 13 years ago

I've been thinking about this. gitv was never designed to replace gitk but rather to make a gitk-style view more accessible and integrated with a Vim based workflow. If this would be useful for people I will definitely take a look at a pull request if someone fancies taking this on?

sorin-ionescu commented 13 years ago

Your choice for a name implied that it was a gitk replacement as opposed to, for example, extradite.vim, a tig replacement.

Silex commented 13 years ago

I don't think extradite is meant to "replace" tig. Nor is gitv meant to replace gitk. They're just inspired from these tools to reflect some of their features into vim.

A full-featured gitk replacement is interesting tho, but it would be a lot of work imho.

gregsexton commented 12 years ago

I just added this alias to my zshrc.

alias gitv='vim .git/index -c "Gitv --all" -c "tabonly"'

This opens the gitv browser for the current directory's git repo. Hopefully this is helpful. Unfortunately, I think this is as close as I'm going to get to fulfilling this request I'm afraid.

blockloop commented 8 years ago

This works if you're in a subdirectory of your git project (assuming you have upsearch) in your .bashrc

alias gitv='vi "$(upsearch .git)/.git/index" -c "Gitv —all" -c "tabonly"'

aschrab commented 8 years ago

@blockloop not all repositories will have the git directory as .git at the top level. Probably the most common reason for that being different is in repositories that are submodules of another repository. You can reliably get the path to the git directory of the current repository using git rev-parse --git-dir, this also avoids depending on non-standard commands.

alias gitv='vim "$(git rev-parse --git-dir)/index" -c "Gitv --all" -c tabonly'
blockloop commented 8 years ago

ah yes, much better