gregsexton / gitv

gitk for Vim.
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Using Gitv_TruncateCommitSubjects with UTF-8 multibyte character message breaks layout #67

Closed pebble8888 closed 7 years ago

gregsexton commented 10 years ago

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

rbong commented 7 years ago

I can't recreate this with my setup. To the original poster or anyone else encountering this, please reply.

Please provide the name of your terminal emulator, some examples of failing strings, the output of this command in vim

:echo &ambiwidth

and the output of this command in the shell

xrdb -query
pebble8888 commented 7 years ago

macOS 10.12.2 sierra

~$ vim --version VIM - Vi IMproved 8.0 (2016 Sep 12, compiled Nov 20 2016 13:00:40) MacOS X (unix) version Included patches: 1-91 Compiled by Homebrew

:echo &ambiwidth single

~$ xrdb -query bash: xrdb: command not found

.vimrc let g:Gitv_TruncateCommitSubjects = 1

The commit log is written in Japanese utf-8.

:Gitv result

*  荒川区                              7 weeks ago   pebble8888        [135d197] | 12 db/
*  墨田区                              7 weeks ago   pebble8888        [0ef159d] | 13 lib/
*  葛飾区                              7 weeks ago   pebble8888        [c7c3a9e] | 14 log/
*  行きたいの表示順序を近い順,行ったの表示順<e5>... 8 weeks ago   pebble8888   <- corruption 
rbong commented 7 years ago

I assume you're using either iTerm or Terminal on OSX? I have access to these emulators. Should be able to test soon.

rbong commented 7 years ago

Wasn't the terminal emulator or ambiwidth, I just wasn't seeing this with the characters I was using. Strings are now truncated using their display width.