gregsexton / gitv

gitk for Vim.
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See changed files in commit #98

Open firedev opened 8 years ago

firedev commented 8 years ago


Is it possible to see only files that were changed in commit? I can't seem to find anything like this in the docs. Thanks.

rbong commented 7 years ago

If you type in just S (capital S) you can see a list of files.

firedev commented 7 years ago

I believe what I've meant is git show --name-only if this is something that is possible, please point me to this. S shows the whole tree.

rbong commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I don't use S much. I didn't realize that.

I've added the ability to pass in arbitrary options with g:Gitv_PreviewOptions. You can set it to --name-only temporarily with a custom mapping. Unfortunately, this can't use the Gedit family of commands, so you can't jump directly to the files.

firedev commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I was pressing S when looking at the commit diff, that just opened the split to edit and I was seeing the files because that is how it works in the first line.

Pressing S in the commits list just calls substitute. Where exactly can I use it?

rbong commented 7 years ago

S isn't what you want but it was recently broken by the bindings overhaul. Can you update and try again?

By the way, g:Gitv_PreviewOptions is for showing commits with o or <CR>, not S.

firedev commented 7 years ago

Sorry, S does nothing still, o and CR open normal git show

rbong commented 7 years ago

What commit are you on? What is g:Gitv_PreviewOptions set to?

rbong commented 7 years ago

Bindings have recently been fixed for repositories with large numbers of commits in newer versions of git.

Are you still experiencing issues?

I am adding this to the 1.5.1 milestone and keeping it open for improved functionality with --name-only.

zzxyz commented 6 years ago

Apologies if this is not quite the right issue, but I think it is. Is this something that's resolved/added? My vim-fu is fairly weak, so I may be missing something obvious in the documentation. My basic use case is opening vim on a directory, only seeing the relevant commits with this plugin (that works), and then only seeing the files that commit touched when I select that commit. I tried , S, and o.

This demonstrates the attempted use if my description isn't clear:

Thank you for this plugin. It is extremely awesome. :)