gregsexton / ob-ipython

org-babel integration with Jupyter for evaluation of (Python by default) code blocks
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Can not create ./obipy-resources/ on windows7 #160

Open nasoundead opened 6 years ago

nasoundead commented 6 years ago



+BEGIN_SRC ipython :session :exports both :results raw drawer

plt.hist(np.random.randn(2000), bins=200)


Error: executing Ipython code block... ob-ipython--generate-file-name: Cannot create temporary name for prefix: Permission denied, ./obipy-resources/

SimonBaron commented 6 years ago

i'm also seeing this - i tried editing the path that it is trying to write, and managed to get it to write to a new directory that existed (I assume that the 'permission denied' is code for 'does not exist, and won't let me create').

I managed to get that working but it didn't display correctly inline. That might be a different issue.

as a quick check, I eval'd

(setq ob-ipython-resources-dir "D:/obipy-resources/") which changed the target dir.

But what I get out i just a link to the file, rather than embedding the file itself:

# Out[12]:
: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x13e74e10>

I am definitely not an expert though, so this might have been entirely the wrong thing to do!

dcherian commented 6 years ago

That's expected. Now you can tell org to display inline images and it'll look like a notebook

SimonBaron commented 6 years ago

hmm, off topic now I guess, but I do have

(add-hook 'org-babel-after-execute-hook 'org-display-inline-images 'append) in my init file - shouldn't that cause the files to be displayed?

EDIT: I think it is a separate windows / org compatibility thing. Odd, I thought I had this working on my last comp, but perhaps I didn't

dilzeem commented 6 years ago

I have the same issue on Windows 10

Using the :ipyfile header creates the images in buffer, but then I have issues with it only being read only. I believe it has to do with how the temp file names are created. They cause some security issue in windows because they are prefixed with a . or #.

Arjay-El commented 5 years ago

I have just hit this error as well. Was there any resolution for this? Edit: I did the (setq ob-ipython-resources-dir C:/Users/me/scimax/obipy-resources/") and that seemed to fix the problem, or has MS tricked me into dropping my guard? Does this have to be set every time emacs starts? I think for Win10 you have to load every app into the c:/Users/you/ directory. I have had other applications that I had to move to Users/me verses install for everyone to avoid security issues with admin rights.

badkey commented 5 years ago

Hi, I encountered the problem on windows 10. Apparently make-temp-name inside ob-ipython--generate-file-name has the problem.

You might want to check wether you started emacs as "emacs.exe" or "runemacs.exe". For the latter, the problem silently disappeared here for some reasons ...