gregsexton / ob-ipython

org-babel integration with Jupyter for evaluation of (Python by default) code blocks
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Trying to parse HTTP response code in odd buffer #33

Closed thoo closed 8 years ago

thoo commented 9 years ago
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Trying to parse HTTP response code in odd buffer:  *http localhost:9988*")
  signal(error ("Trying to parse HTTP response code in odd buffer:  *http localhost:9988*"))
  error("Trying to parse HTTP response code in odd buffer: %s" " *http localhost:9988*") ````
billbrod commented 8 years ago

I'm having this issue as well, the exact same one as in #22. I just updated my Jupyter and IPython versions to the most recent version (>4 for both) and just installed ob-ipython. During the install, I get the following warnings:

In ob-ipython--execute-request:
ob-ipython.el:203:20:Warning: reference to free variable

In ob-ipython--inspect-request:
ob-ipython.el:264:20:Warning: reference to free variable

When I try to run one of the example blocks, I get the following messages, just like #22. Is this another version issue with a recent update of jupyter or ipython?

executing Ipython code block...
Making python-shell-interpreter local to *Python* while let-bound!
Making python-shell-interpreter-args local to *Python* while let-bound!
Sent python-shell-completion-setup-code
Sent python-ffap-setup-code
Sent python-eldoc-setup-code
Contacting host: localhost:9988
url-http-parse-response: Trying to parse HTTP response code in odd buffer:  *http localhost:9988*
gregsexton commented 8 years ago

Just run in to this issue myself on a new laptop. Once I figure it out I'll let you know.

gregsexton commented 8 years ago

The problem for me is the python binary that is being used. I used pip to install the necessary modules but the system python (/usr/bin/python) can't see them. /usr/local/bin/python can. Now to figure out how to make emacs use the second python...

gregsexton commented 8 years ago

(setq python-shell-interpreter "/usr/local/bin/python")

Solved all of my problems.

Let me know if this fixes your problems or at least gets you on track to a fix.

Xparx commented 8 years ago

I'm just going to add a small note here that might help someone. I had the same issues but switching from ipython to just python as python-shell-interpreter worked, however for some reason the notebook package was not installed with jupyter or ipython for me by default and it spit out the same error for that. pip install notebook fixed that for me. This is not spelled out in the dependencies probably because it should be obvious but it was a bit of a got ya moment for me.

adamthompson922 commented 8 years ago

I'm having troubles with this currently. I don't have any installation at /usr/local/bin/python.

I have /usr/bin/python and /usr/bin/python3 as my Python installation binaries.

Can you elaborate on how you solution fixes the problems greg? Thanks.

cicerojones commented 8 years ago

The above @Xparx reminder to pip install notebook seemed to solve this problem for me too.

Using ipython 4.2.0 with elpy, I no longer get the HTTP response error, but do get a warning about not supporting readline etc.:

Native completions have been disabled locally.

which does not appear when elpy is not enabled (this may be some other problem in my configuration). Take it for what it's worth--which may not be much!

billbrod commented 8 years ago

The fix of setting python-shell-interpreter works for me. I use anaconda, so adding the command (setq python-shell-interpreter "~/anaconda/bin/python") worked for me.

gregsexton commented 8 years ago

RC: #80 #78