gregsexton / ob-ipython

org-babel integration with Jupyter for evaluation of (Python by default) code blocks
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Fix #9: Support other kernels #38

Closed ilysym closed 8 years ago

ilysym commented 8 years ago

Main changes are:

smartass101 commented 8 years ago

You might want to have a look at PR #39 and how we could make it work together with your proposals. You're concerned with starting arbitrary kernels which I thought different :session arguments already addresses. Nevertheless, I find your message handling improvements very interesting.

acowley commented 8 years ago

This did not work for me.

When evaluating a source block, a few messages pass by the echo area before a rather long wait (perhaps 30s or 1 minute) on the message "Sent python-eldoc-setup-code", then the debugger kicks in.

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-error "Writing to process" "bad file descriptor" #<process Python>)
  process-send-string(#<process Python> "import codecs, os;__pyfile ='''/var/folders/n6/0j2z684n2pq_0d5kphzzvjs80000gn/T/py6123sQk''', encoding='''utf-8''');__code ='''utf-8''');__pyfile.close();os.remove('''/var/folders/n6/0j2z684n2pq_0d5kphzzvjs80000gn/T/py6123sQk''');exec(compile(__code, '''/var/folders/n6/0j2z684n2pq_0d5kphzzvjs80000gn/T/py6123sQk''', 'exec'));")
  comint-send-string(#<process Python> "import codecs, os;__pyfile ='''/var/folders/n6/0j2z684n2pq_0d5kphzzvjs80000gn/T/py6123sQk''', encoding='''utf-8''');__code ='''utf-8''');__pyfile.close();os.remove('''/var/folders/n6/0j2z684n2pq_0d5kphzzvjs80000gn/T/py6123sQk''');exec(compile(__code, '''/var/folders/n6/0j2z684n2pq_0d5kphzzvjs80000gn/T/py6123sQk''', 'exec'));")
  python-shell-send-string("import codecs, os;__pyfile ='''/var/folders/n6/0j2z684n2pq_0d5kphzzvjs80000gn/T/py6123sQk''', encoding='''utf-8''');__code ='''utf-8''');__pyfile.close();os.remove('''/var/folders/n6/0j2z684n2pq_0d5kphzzvjs80000gn/T/py6123sQk''');exec(compile(__code, '''/var/folders/n6/0j2z684n2pq_0d5kphzzvjs80000gn/T/py6123sQk''', 'exec'));" #<process Python>)
  python-shell-send-file("/var/folders/n6/0j2z684n2pq_0d5kphzzvjs80000gn/T/py6123sQk" #<process Python> "/var/folders/n6/0j2z684n2pq_0d5kphzzvjs80000gn/T/py6123sQk" t)
  python-shell-send-string("def __PYDOC_get_help(obj):\n    try:\n        import inspect\n        if hasattr(obj, 'startswith'):\n            obj = eval(obj, globals())\n        doc = inspect.getdoc(obj)\n        if not doc and callable(obj):\n            target = None\n            if inspect.isclass(obj) and hasattr(obj, '__init__'):\n                target = obj.__init__\n                objtype = 'class'\n            else:\n                target = obj\n                objtype = 'def'\n            if target:\n                args = inspect.formatargspec(\n                    *inspect.getargspec(target)\n                )\n                name = obj.__name__\n                doc = '{objtype} {name}{args}'.format(\n                    objtype=objtype, name=name, args=args\n                )\n        else:\n            doc = doc.splitlines()[0]\n    except:\n        doc = ''\n    try:\n        exec('print doc')\n    except SyntaxError:\n        print(doc)" #<process Python>)
  run-hooks(change-major-mode-after-body-hook comint-mode-hook inferior-python-mode-hook)
  apply(run-hooks (change-major-mode-after-body-hook comint-mode-hook inferior-python-mode-hook))
  python-shell-make-comint("ipython console --existing emacs-default.json" "Python" nil)
  run-python("ipython console --existing emacs-default.json" nil nil)
  org-babel-ipython-initiate-session(nil ((:comments . "") (:shebang . "") (:cache . "no") (:padline . "") (:noweb . "no") (:tangle . "no") (:exports . "code") (:results . "none") (:hlines . "no") (:session) (:result-type . value) (:result-params "none") (:rowname-names) (:colname-names)))
  org-babel-execute:ipython("%matplotlib inline\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt" ((:comments . "") (:shebang . "") (:cache . "no") (:padline . "") (:noweb . "no") (:tangle . "no") (:exports . "code") (:results . "none") (:hlines . "no") (:session) (:result-type . value) (:result-params "none") (:rowname-names) (:colname-names)))
  call-interactively(god-mode-self-insert nil nil)

The *Python* buffer says,

Jupyter Console 4.1.0

ERROR: Kernel did not respond

Shutting down kernel

Process Python finished

repeated a few times.

The master branch works fine. This is with Python 3.4.4 and Emacs 24.5.2 on OS X.

ilysym commented 8 years ago

Try same code in ordinary Python mode, i.e. paste code (without %matplotlib inline) to .py file and hit \C-c\C-c

acowley commented 8 years ago

@ilysym You're right on target! I'm having the issue with ordinary Python, too. I'll work on getting it sorted; do you have any advice?

EDIT: Just running python3 in shell revealed that python.el was likely having problems due to a shell variable leaking in and messing up PYTHONPATH. I resolved this (turn it off and back on again) so that regular Python files now properly work with the REPL.

Disappointingly, this did not resolve my issue with this branch of ob-ipython which produces the same error as above.

acowley commented 8 years ago

The issues were Python 3 compatibility things: mixed spaces and tabs, use of has_key, and use of filter. I've made a PR to @ilysym's fork that lets me mix python and haskell kernels in a single Org document.

acowley commented 8 years ago

Pinging @gregsexton

This is a great PR, please consider merging it to make installation easier for others to try it!

chu- commented 8 years ago

Yes it's a great PR. @acowley Did you test this PR successfully?

gregsexton commented 8 years ago

Hi. Sorry. Life has been extremely busy for me recently. I have a backlog of PRs/issues to review and merge. I have every intention of merging this.

acowley commented 8 years ago

@chu- I've used it heavily for the past few weeks. The only bad part is needing to associate ipython with whatever language you want to use for a particular block. This makes it tricky to work with a single-document-multi-kernel. Addressing that seems like a great bit of extra functionality to add after this PR is merged.

chu- commented 8 years ago

@acowley Cool, Thanks! I use the following code block in org-mode to test julia kernel, but it failed [TerminalIPythonApp] CRITICAL | Unrecognized flag: '--conn-file' any suggestions?

#+BEGIN_SRC ipython :session julia_test :kernel julia-0.5

Setting: (with-eval-after-load 'org (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '( (ipython . t) )) )

acowley commented 8 years ago

@chu- I just tried here, but I only have julia-0.4.2.

#+PROPERTY: header-args:ipython :session :kernel julia-0.4

* Setup                                                            :noexport:
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp :results silent
(add-to-list 'org-src-lang-modes '("ipython" . julia))

* A first example

#+BEGIN_SRC ipython :results value
f(x) = x * x

: 81

#+BEGIN_SRC ipython :results output
code_llvm(f, (Float64,))

: define double @julia_f_21609(double) {
: top:
:   %1 = fmul double %0, %0
:   ret double %1
: }

Debugging from within emacs is nearly impossible, so make sure to give it a try in a terminal with jupyter console --kernel julia-0.5 to see if there are any problems there.

chu- commented 8 years ago

@acowley Great! thanks.

hsseung commented 8 years ago

I'd be delighted if this could be merged. I agree with others that it's an important feature.

stardiviner commented 8 years ago

Great feature! But seems not merged yet. Any update on this?

gregsexton commented 8 years ago

This causes emacs to hang for me continously. Will try and debug.

gregsexton commented 8 years ago

Ok. Merged! Thanks for the PR it adds a great feature and moves ob-ipython towards ob-jupyter. :)

Good catch on the race condition. I simplified the mechanism you used though. I was able to get it to deadlock with inputs that just did imports. It also backed up on messages that didn't have a handler associated.

chu- commented 8 years ago


On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 10:12 PM, Greg Sexton wrote:

Closed #38

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hsseung commented 8 years ago
