gregtinkers /

Record the speed of cars passing in front of the Raspberry Pi Picamera
367 stars 124 forks source link will not launch + new to python. #6

Closed dirtybeagles closed 7 years ago

dirtybeagles commented 7 years ago

First, I am brand new into the python scene but the tutorials to get opencv install and all the dependencies were pretty simple(from: I compiled my image (named picamera) with Python3 and I did not receive any errors. I complete the install fine from what I can tell. My issue is when I am workon picamera and try to start python I keep getting this error:

(picamera) pi@raspberrypi:~ $ python File "", line 5 <!DOCTYPE html> ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I am assuming it is a simple fix because I feel I am missing something but I have gone through the guide a few times and still end up with this same error. Also, if I try to launch through raspbian OS through, I receive the same error. Thanks for the help.

picture attached: pic1

gregtinkers commented 7 years ago

It looks like you have copied some HTML code into your file. You may wish to use the green 'Clone or download' button on the carspeed page to download a zip file of the program. That will get you a copy without any HTML in it.

dirtybeagles commented 7 years ago

Wow that was easy. I just downloaded it to my pc and WINSCP it over and it started just fine.

Should I open a new topic if I want to know how I could change the snap shot directory to an SMB share? Also, is there a live stream function to access remotely?

gregtinkers commented 7 years ago

When I started this project I wasn't experienced with python either, but I researched on-line and figured out how to put the pieces together to make it work. Line 268 writes the image. I'm sure you can find resources on-line to explain how to write to an SMB share. I don't line stream the video, but I do access the Pi with VNC to monitor it while it is running.