gregtomasch / USFSMAX_MMC_Module

Test sketches and information to use the improved USFSMAX Module with MMC5983 magnetometer
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docs: clarify types of magnetometer calibration and add links to supporting documents #3

Open silaswaxter opened 1 year ago

silaswaxter commented 1 year ago

I've read the following resources:

Its unclear how the ellipsoidal magnetometer calibration is updated. Is this parameter calibrated during dynamic hard iron (DHI) corrector calibration? The information I've found regarding this question is in a project log which was during development of this device (here). From what I gather, the fine magnetometer calibration is definitely calibrated with the accelerometer calibration using the calibrating fixtures to place the device in the specific orientations; however, this procedure requires the magnetometer offset calibration (ie the ellipsoidal calibration). So, are all 3 (accel, fine-mag, & ellip-mag) of these calibrations done during manufacturing of the device? Is/should ellipsoidal magnetometer calibration be performed in applications?

It'd be great if the README had a section with a list of links pointing users to these supporting documentation resources. The README is not easily understood without this additional context.