gregtwallace / certwarden

Cert Warden is a centralized ACME Client. It provides an API for certificate consumers to fetch their individual keys and certs with API keys.
184 stars 6 forks source link

When Installing on Ubuntu 20.04, the service fails to load #1

Closed KodySalak closed 1 year ago

KodySalak commented 1 year ago

Hi. Like the concept! When I try to install this on Ubuntu 20.04, I get the following errors:

localadmin@certhub:~/LeGo$ chmod +x lego-linux-amd64 
localadmin@certhub:~/LeGo$ ./lego-linux-amd64
./lego-linux-amd64: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by ./lego-linux-amd64)
./lego-linux-amd64: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.33' not found (required by ./lego-linux-amd64)
./lego-linux-amd64: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.34' not found (required by ./lego-linux-amd64)

If I install it as a service with the provided script, I see this:

localadmin@certhub:~/LeGo/scripts$ sudo systemctl status legocerthub
● legocerthub.service - LeGo Certhub
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/legocerthub.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2023-05-01 00:11:12 CDT; 953ms ago
    Process: 147549 ExecStart=/opt/legocerthub/lego-linux-amd64 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
   Main PID: 147549 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

May 01 00:11:12 certhub systemd[1]: legocerthub.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 01 00:11:12 certhub systemd[1]: legocerthub.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

Looking in /var/log/syslog, I see this:

localadmin@certhub:~/LeGo/scripts$ tail -f /var/log/syslog                           
May  1 00:11:17 certhub systemd[1]: legocerthub.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May  1 00:11:17 certhub systemd[1]: legocerthub.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May  1 00:11:22 certhub systemd[1]: legocerthub.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 818.
May  1 00:11:22 certhub systemd[1]: Stopped LeGo Certhub.
May  1 00:11:22 certhub systemd[1]: Started LeGo Certhub.
May  1 00:11:22 certhub lego-linux-amd64[147631]: /opt/legocerthub/lego-linux-amd64: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by /opt/legocerthub/lego-linux-amd64)
May  1 00:11:22 certhub lego-linux-amd64[147631]: /opt/legocerthub/lego-linux-amd64: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.33' not found (required by /opt/legocerthub/lego-linux-amd64)
May  1 00:11:22 certhub lego-linux-amd64[147631]: /opt/legocerthub/lego-linux-amd64: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.34' not found (required by /opt/legocerthub/lego-linux-amd64)
May  1 00:11:22 certhub systemd[1]: legocerthub.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May  1 00:11:22 certhub systemd[1]: legocerthub.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

I was digging more into this, and I found that 20.04 ships with 2.31 as the base version of glibc. If I upgrade to 2.34, will that solve the other two errors that I'm receiving? I'd really like to run this as a linux server (or better, a container, but I saw your comment on Reddit with that).

Let me know what I can provide for you and I'd love to help.

gregtwallace commented 1 year ago

I am a bit surprised as Go generally compiles everything it needs into the binary. However, the project uses CGO (thanks SQLite) so I suspect that's causing an external dependency. Try upgrading libc6 package. I checked my server and it is currently running version 2.35 of this package. Please let me know if that corrects the issue.

If it does, I'll revise some notes for the pre-req.

KodySalak commented 1 year ago

I couldn't get 20.04 to take the update libc, so I upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04. I got the app working (woohoo!), but I am running into this error when trying to get the app to use my certs I generated from my internal Windows CA (the hostname for this vm is certhub.mydomain.local).

May 2 00:14:35 certhub lego-linux-amd64[58371]: 2023-05-02T00:14:35.840-0500#011error#011app/run.go:278#011failed to configure https cert: no such record found in storage

I have the permissions correct for the files and have the following in the config.yaml:

# API Server's key and cert
# These names should match the 'name' field of the desired key and cert within
# the application.
# If not specified (or invalid), a self-signed cert is created on each launch
# until proper values are specified.
private_key_name: privkey.key
certificate_name: cert.crt

I have the cert and the privkey there:

-rw-r--r-- 1 legocerthub legocerthub     2269 May  1 23:16 cert.crt
-rw-r----- 1 legocerthub legocerthub     3145 May  1 22:27
-rw-r----- 1 legocerthub legocerthub     2917 May  1 22:27 config.default.yaml
-rw-r----- 1 legocerthub legocerthub     2899 May  2 00:14 config.yaml
drwxr-xr-x 3 legocerthub legocerthub     4096 May  2 00:14 frontend_build/
-rw-r--r-- 1 legocerthub legocerthub    86016 May  1 22:27 lego-certhub.db
-rwxr-x--- 1 legocerthub legocerthub 17926016 May  1 22:27 lego-linux-amd64*
-rw-r----- 1 legocerthub legocerthub      902 May  1 22:27
drwxr--r-- 2 legocerthub legocerthub     4096 May  1 22:27 log/
-rw------- 1 legocerthub legocerthub     1704 May  1 23:14 privkey.key
-rw-r----- 1 legocerthub legocerthub      306 May  1 22:27
drwxr-xr-x 2 legocerthub legocerthub     4096 May  1 22:36 scripts/

Any ideas? Or am I not doing the right thing?

gregtwallace commented 1 year ago

The private_key_name and certificate_name refer to a key and cert within the app database, not a path. That is, import or generate a key for the app to use, setup a LE account, and then issue a certificate. Once issued, update the fields to the name of the key and cert and restart and you'll be good to go.

KodySalak commented 1 year ago

I think I'm 🤏this close to getting this to work. New to ACME and LE, apologies.

I set up an account and got it registered with ACME. I tried to make a certificate using dns-01 (cloudflare). I see the TXT records going in, and it's propigating, but when the check comes back (after setting the logging to debug), I get the following error:

May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]: 2023-05-02T19:04:14.341-0500#011debug#011acme/post_signed.go:113#011acme response status code: 200
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]: 2023-05-02T19:04:14.341-0500#011debug#011acme/post_signed.go:122#011{
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]:   "status": "invalid",
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]:   "expires": "2023-05-10T00:03:42Z",
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]:   "identifiers": [
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]:     {
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]:       "type": "dns",
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]:       "value": ""
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]:     },
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]:     {
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]:       "type": "dns",
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]:       "value": ""
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]:     }
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]:   ],
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]:   "authorizations": [
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]:     "",
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]:     ""
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]:   ],
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]:   "finalize": ""
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]: }
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]: 2023-05-02T19:04:14.341-0500#011debug#011orders/worker.go:204#011order status invalid; acme error: <nil>
May  2 19:04:14 certhub lego-linux-amd64[2891]: 2023-05-02T19:04:14.348-0500#011debug#011orders/worker.go:31#011worker 1: end of high priority order fulfiller (orderId: 5)

I get a "status invalid; acme error: ". Not sure how to troubleshoot that!

I zero'd out my account in the log above.

gregtwallace commented 1 year ago

This doesn't tell me enough to help you. I'd need to see more of the log. Invalid status just means the order failed somewhere. The order likely failed because one or both of the authz failed (which should be somewhere in the log). Authz validate when their respective challenge succeeds. The challenges should also be logged.

edit: section 7.1.6 has good diagrams showing the flow of various records to help you understand what is happening.

Verify cloudflare is setup correctly. A log line should be: dns01cloudflare/service.go:62, dns01cloudflare configured domains: [] Your domain(s) should be showing in the brackets.

What is your config.yaml for dns checker?

(sample snipet) challenges: dns_checker:

specifying skip check wait disables dns record validation and instead

# sleeps for the specified number of seconds and then assumes the record
# is fully propagated
skip_check_wait_seconds: null
# services to use if checker is not disabled
  # generally you do NOT want these to be internal dns servers
  # internal dns usually has long cache and doesn't truly check propagation
  # if you don't want external dns checking, use skip_check above
  - primary_ip:
  - primary_ip:
  - primary_ip:

If you want to send me the whole log I can probably tell you what the problem is.

KodySalak commented 1 year ago

Just sent you the log.

# Challenge Providers
    # specifying skip check wait disables dns record validation and instead
    # sleeps for the specified number of seconds and then assumes the record
    # is fully propagated
    skip_check_wait_seconds: null
    # services to use if checker is not disabled
      # generally you do NOT want these to be internal dns servers
      # internal dns usually has long cache and doesn't truly check propagation
      # if you don't want external dns checking, use skip_check above
      - primary_ip:
      - primary_ip:
      - primary_ip:
    # http-01 internal server
      enable: false
      # port to run the http challenge server on
      port: 4060
    # dns-01 using scripts that are external to LeGo
      enable: false
      create_script: ./scripts/
      delete_script: ./scripts/
    # dns-01 via LeGo Cloudflare integration
      enable: true
        - email:
          global_api_key: %%My_Global_API_Key%%
        - email:
        - api_token: %%My_Domain_API_Token%%
gregtwallace commented 1 year ago

