gregtwallace / certwarden

Cert Warden is a centralized ACME Client. It provides an API for certificate consumers to fetch their individual keys and certs with API keys.
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[FEATURE REQUEST] Environment Variables #37

Open boomam opened 6 months ago

boomam commented 6 months ago

Hi, Would be useful to have common (or all) options that can be setup in the configuration files, to be available as environment variables on the container.


gregtwallace commented 6 months ago

I'm not sure about this. There are just SO many options. Maybe I can add for some of the most common if specifically requested, but as is it isn't too hard to make a config file (and most implementations probably don't need manual config file edit anyway).

boomam commented 6 months ago

Hi, Think of it this way - config files are not a recommended practice for anything "cloud native" - meaning a modern method of container usage.

Config files need persistent storage, env variables do not, and can be used in the same measure between container hosts, kubernetes or otherwise.

The data storage for said container needing a persistent volume is an argument for relying on a config file, as is "easiness", however a PV should be used for data, not configs, and the easiness is something that is moot when it comes to the difference between the two methods. Leaving just an advantage for overall configuration through code (docker-compose, helm, etc.).

Perhaps start with the common ones - Logging, config of a DNS provider (like Cloudflare"s keys for example), ports, ect. Build from there over time as it gets requested.

Just a suggestion :-)

CygnusHyoga commented 4 months ago

I think it's a great idea, to add the environment variables, to facilitate automatic configuration, without intervention.