gregtwallace / certwarden

Cert Warden is a centralized ACME Client. It provides an API for certificate consumers to fetch their individual keys and certs with API keys.
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Install script errors #51

Closed VendettaMike closed 1 month ago

VendettaMike commented 1 month ago

I'm performing a fresh direct install on Rocky Linux and a few errors exist in the script. fails at line 19

# copy all files to install path
mkdir "$path"
cp -R ../* "$install_path"

mkdir should be creating _$installpath instead of path

In addition, fails at line 29

# install and start service
cp ./certwarden.service /etc/systemd/system/certwarden.service
systemctl daemon-reload

certwarden.service doesn't exist as legocerthub.service is still distributed. Need to do a quick rename!

After that, the install succeeds.

gregtwallace commented 1 month ago

Thank you.

Bummer, literally just ran a release a moment ago. Ah well, it'll be in the next one.