greiman / PetitFS

Petit FatFs Arduino Library
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exFAT support #4

Open RicardoPires19 opened 4 years ago

RicardoPires19 commented 4 years ago

Do you think it's possible to add exFAT support? I'm interested in using PetitFS, but I need exFAT compatibility.

Is it hard to add the exFAT code from FatFS?

greiman commented 4 years ago

Impossible. exFAT requires full general write.

My new SdFat-beta has the smallest exFAT implementation I know of.

RicardoPires19 commented 4 years ago

What if I simply copied the basic functions that PetitFS supports from FatFS? Like copying f_open, f_write, f_read, ..., and create my version of PetitFS? Would that be enough to ensure exFAT compatibility?

greiman commented 4 years ago

PetitFS is not close to supporting exFAT. exFAT is far more complex than FAT16/FAT32.