greiman / SSD1306Ascii

Text only Arduino Library for SSD1306 OLED displays
MIT License
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Arduino Pro Micro 32U4 and oled.clear(); #109

Open GeoX234 opened 1 year ago

GeoX234 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I run a little serial modbus on an Arduino, which is connected as slave to a desktop PC. The Arduino is fitted with a small Oled display and a rotary encoder with push button. The rotary encoder is used to scroll through a menu and to make settings with the push button. Turning the encoder or pushing down his button will call oled.clear(), move menu items and print new menu item on the display. Modbus communication works perfect on an Arduino Nano with Atmel 328p.

BUT on an Arduino Pro Micro with Atmel 32U4 I run into problems. On an Atmel 32U4, after I called oled.clear(), some unwanted random output happens on the serial connection which interferes with the modbus communication. When I remove the call oled.clear(), modbus output of the slave works without "noise" but the display is od course messy....

Any idea or explanation why the call oled.clear() triggers some "noise" on the serial output of an Atmel 32U4 ?


greiman commented 1 year ago

I have no idea what is happening.