greiman / SSD1306Ascii

Text only Arduino Library for SSD1306 OLED displays
MIT License
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Documentation is not rendering nicely #76

Open Miq1 opened 3 years ago

Miq1 commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately, the HTML docs are not rendered nicely - all I could achieve is opening single HTML files to read them one by one. Am I missing something?

Plus, a picture of the look of all fonts would be a nice addition.

Miq1 commented 3 years ago

As a remedy, I found this tip on Stackoverflow. With it, the docs can be seen as

greiman commented 3 years ago

You can got to the docs folder and click on this file.


It opens the correct index file. and is better than the above.

I will add this to the file.

Miq1 commented 3 years ago

No, that will only give me grafik

greiman commented 3 years ago

What browser are you using? If I open SSD1306Ascii.html with chrome, firefox, edge, or explorer, I get the correct result.

You must open this in the local copy of the library.

Miq1 commented 3 years ago

Firefox 85.0 on Windows 10. The local copy is what I tried first, but then the page is lacking all decoration and pictures: grafik

Miq1 commented 3 years ago

Argh. My bad... 😊

I opened the file within the ZIP - after unpacking the structure into a proper directory tree it works out fine. Sorry for having bothered you!

greiman commented 3 years ago

I should have known. I plan to zip the html in the doc folders all my libraries in the future since they obscure the source changes with hundreds of changed html files. I am already doing this in SdFat.

I am amazed it partially worked. I am putting a single html file in the html folder with instructions to unzip and it replaces the html folder.

Miq1 commented 3 years ago

👍 Thanks a lot!