I've made a simple battery powered program that is sleeping almost the time, so power consumption is only some uA.
I added a SPI SD card reader module and at startup i need to check the presence of a SD card, so i'm using your library like this, on setup:
Serial.print(F(" * Checking SD... "));
if (!SD.begin(SD_CS_PIN)) {
Serial.println(F(" Not found!"));
} else {
Serial.println(F(" found!"));
The problem is after adding this code my current consumption goes to 5mA, if i comment the code it gets back to some uA.
Looks like something related with SD_CS_PIN initialization.
I tried putting back SD_CS_PIN to low or high, but didn't make any difference.
I've made a simple battery powered program that is sleeping almost the time, so power consumption is only some uA. I added a SPI SD card reader module and at startup i need to check the presence of a SD card, so i'm using your library like this, on setup:
The problem is after adding this code my current consumption goes to 5mA, if i comment the code it gets back to some uA. Looks like something related with SD_CS_PIN initialization.
I tried putting back SD_CS_PIN to low or high, but didn't make any difference.
Any idea?