Open toogooda opened 3 years ago
Which STM32 board support package are you using? There are several.
I have not decided how to support STM32 so have not modified examples.
At this point there are almost 200 Arduino style boards so I can only provide specialized examples for a limited number of boards.
Thanks for your response,
The official core by ST stm32duino/Arduino_Core_STM32
latest version 2.0.0
I am using F103RET but I am pretty sure they all use the same SPI constructor...
ST also make it easy by making the SPI/I2c/USART on the same pins across most of there range so a simple example with SPI 1 and SPI2 should work on their entire range.
Yes, the ST package uses these constructors for all boards:
SPIClass(uint8_t mosi, uint8_t miso, uint8_t sclk, uint8_t ssel = (uint8_t)NC);
I wrote the example when the only STM32 support was here with this constructor:
SPIClass(uint32 spiPortNumber);
I will provide an option to use either package.
You are lucky to use the F103RET. I use high end STM32 boards with ChibiOS but many high end boards fail with the ST Arduino package.
Here is an issue for NUCLEO-H743ZI2 I posted on Feb 8, 2021. ST planed a fix for 2.0.0 but now plans for 2.1.0 or later.
Both options sounds perfect :) Thanks again for this great library!
Firstly I would like to say the capability and documentation for this library is amazing so thank you :)
The latest update of SdFat seems to have made the STM32_test.ino example out of date.
static SPIClass mySPI2(2);
no longer works as there is no matching constructor forYou now need to specify the SPI pins something like this:
static SPIClass SPI_2 (PB15, PB14, PB13);
For SPI2