greiman / SdFs

Arduino FAT16/FAT32/exFAT Library
MIT License
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Reg:Configuring the SDFS for teensy ++2.0/teensy 3.2 #1

Open mr-panda opened 6 years ago

mr-panda commented 6 years ago

Hi, I am working on a data logger project on teensy. I am trying to use your library but I am not getting success. Can anyone guide me how to set MISO, MISO, and SCK as per the board.Thanks in advance

mr-panda commented 6 years ago

I believe it is not bcz of pin configuration something is an issue can anyone help me here plz.

gitcnd commented 5 years ago

Worked immediately for me on my Teensy 3.6

Perhaps you want to erase your SD card, and format it in a macbook using MBR partition scheme?

If your SD is "disk2" in a mac - this blanks it first:-

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/disk2 bs=8225280 count=1

then you open disk manager, hit "erase", choose exfat and change partition scheme to MBR.

You want exfat, otherwise you're wasting capacity and limiting file sizes on your projects. Don't waste your brain using fat32 or other old junk - it will bite you later.

Buy a teensy 3.6 if you're got something older already - again - your brain and time are worth more than the price difference, and the past is not going to stay around for long: don't build for obsolete - it will bite you later...