greje656 / clouds

Volumetric Clouds plugin for Stingray
61 stars 17 forks source link

Compiler issue #4

Open farmerash opened 7 years ago

farmerash commented 7 years ago

Have been noticing this error clouds-resources/clouds.lua:5: attempt to index global 'Renderer' (a nil value)

Testing out clouds in a blank (template) stingray project, followed the steps mentioned but I'm not able run it due to the above mentioned error. Appreciate any suggestions.

farmerash commented 7 years ago

Here is the complete log

Lua Callstack

[1] clouds-resources/clouds.lua:5: in function generate
[2] clouds-resources/clouds.lua:27:in function <clouds-resources/clouds.lua:26>
[3] [C]: in function load_level
[4] core/appkit/lua/simple_project.lua:104: in function load_level
[5] core/appkit/lua/simple_project.lua:194: in function init
[6] [string "..."]:12: in main chunk 

Lua Locals

[1] self = table: 0000000077CB5A68
[2] world = [World], instances = table: 0000000077CB5BC8
[4] resource_name = __level_editor_test, level_name = content/levels/basic, world = [World]
[5] config = table: 0000000077CB0E70, world = [World], world_wrapper = table: 0000000077CB2370, camera_unit = [Unit 'core/appkit/units/camera/camera'], standalone_init_level_name = content/levels/main_menu, level_resource_name = __level_editor_test
[6] orig_update = [function]
greje656 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for that. Hmmm haven't seen this before. Will try to repro. Thanks!

greje656 commented 7 years ago

@farmerash which version of stingray are you using? I can't repro

farmerash commented 7 years ago

@greje656, thanks for looking into it, I'm using 1.5.0

greje656 commented 7 years ago

Ok, this is weird. I can't repro. Is this still an issue? Also, I made a video showing how to load the plugin. Maybe it can help?

OzgurCerlet commented 7 years ago

It took a while but I got the plugin working, but just in the editor :(

I am also getting the same error: Test Engine / Lua: clouds-resources/clouds.lua:5: attempt to index global 'Renderer' (a nil value) when I try to test the level or run the project.

I don't know if this is different for @farmerash but I also get some warnings before the error:

Test Engine / ResourcePackage: Failed loading shading_environment_mapping named clouds-resources/moon
Test Engine / ResourcePackage: Failed loading shading_environment_mapping named clouds-resources/cirrus
Test Engine / ResourcePackage: Failed loading shading_environment_mapping named clouds-resources/weather_storm
Test Engine / ResourcePackage: Failed loading resource in package `__level_editor_test`, type `shading_environment_mapping`, name clouds-resources/moon
Test Engine / ResourcePackage: Failed loading resource in package `__level_editor_test`, type `shading_environment_mapping`, name clouds-resources/cirrus
Test Engine / ResourcePackage: Failed loading resource in package `__level_editor_test`, type `shading_environment_mapping`, name clouds-resources/weather_storm
tumezawa commented 7 years ago

I get the same warning, and Cloud plugin only works in Editor. Run Project or deploy package will crash as soon as pressing Start button.

Editor / General: Basic_project: Resource set does not contain the resource named `clouds_result_texture1`

Assertion failed `_resources.has(name)` at `D:\BuildAgent\work\a\git_work\runtime\engine/renderer/resources/resource_set.h:32`

Build identifier: `78475234484fffa8693beb068f4ce096614333af`

Product version: `Release (1.6.1011.0)`

Thread name: `renderer`


    {00007ffb97b30000,  0008b000, 4c0643cc, 93cdcc8c-1c31-4114-aac0-0a3de666d89b, 00000001, xaudio2_7.pdb}
    {00007ffbae710000,  00071000, 57899a5e, a6f01ebb-49ba-4ca7-b083-b8dd16f17f50, 00000001, MMDevAPI.pdb}
    {00007ffbac5b0000,  00094000, 5850cf75, cf20b8b6-6705-4c9d-81a9-3570f0e82f94, 00000001, audioses.pdb}
    {00007ffbb1c50000,  00136000, 584a7730, 6a0ae08b-7c57-48db-a5cb-e130a739f8ef, 00000001, WinTypes.pdb}
    {00007ffbb1dd0000,  0000b000, 578999c8, b0a19a50-edcd-48b0-aec5-54e4100ad351, 00000001, avrt.pdb}
    0x406c46ea d:\buildagent\work\a\git_work\runtime\foundation\error\error.cpp(265): `anonymous namespace'::report_crash_internal
    0x406c4005 d:\buildagent\work\a\git_work\runtime\foundation\error\error.cpp(419): stingray::report_assert_failure
    0x404a92b2 d:\buildagent\work\a\git_work\runtime\application\script\interface\if_renderer.cpp(134): `anonymous namespace'::run_resource
    0x4014d8ea d:\buildagent\work\a\git_work\runtime\application\rendering\render_interface.cpp(3351): stingray::RenderInterface::thread_entry
    0x406ccb51 d:\buildagent\work\a\git_work\runtime\foundation\thread\thread_manager.cpp(310): stingray::ThreadManager::thread_proc
    0xb8338364 BaseThreadInitThunk
    0xb89c70d1 RtlUserThreadStart

System Information

    --- CPU
    CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v3 @ 2.30GHz
    Vendor: GenuineIntel
    Logical processors: 40
    Family: 0:6, Model: 3:15
    Type: 0, Stepping: 2
    Features: SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2
    Feature bits:
    EBX: 00110010 00100000 00001000 00000000 
    ECX: 11111110 11011000 01110011 10000011 
    EDX: 10111111 11001011 11111011 11111111 
    --- OS
    Windows version 6.2 build 9200
    Windows 8
    --- Graphics
    Graphics card: NVIDIA Quadro M6000 24GB (DirectX 11.0)
    Graphics card: Microsoft Basic Render Driver (DirectX 11.0)
    --- Sound
    No sound card detected.
    --- Network
    Network interface: Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter (IPv4, IPv6)
    Network interface: Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I217-LM (IPv4, IPv6)
    Network interface: Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #2 (IPv6)
    Network interface: Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #3 (IPv6)
    --- Input
    Input device: Mouse (18.1): マウス
    Input device: Keyboard (19.10): キーボード
    Input device: Generic (17.0): Micr
    Input device: Generic (17.0): Microsoft ハードウェア USB マウス

Lua Stack

    [0] [C]: in function resource
    [1] clouds-resources/clouds.lua:5: in function generate
    [2] clouds-resources/clouds.lua:27:in function <clouds-resources/clouds.lua:26>
    [3] [C]: in function load_level
    [4] core/appkit/lua/simple_project.lua:104: in function load_level
    [5] core/appkit/lua/simple_project.lua:153: in function change_level
    [6] script/lua/main_menu.lua:28: in function perform_action
    [7] script/lua/main_menu.lua:126: in function update
    [8] core/appkit/lua/level_wrapper.lua:82: in function update
    [9] core/appkit/lua/app.lua:252: in function update
    [10] core/appkit/lua/simple_project.lua:214:in function <core/appkit/lua/simple_project.lua:210>

Lua Locals

    [1] self = table: 000000007EC9F050
    [2] world = [World], instances = table: 000000007EC03450
    [4] resource_name = content/levels/basic, level_name = nil, world = [World]
    [5] resource_name = content/levels/basic, level = [Level]
    [7] object = nil, dt = 0.00212501036003232
    [8] self = table: 000000007ECBE608, dt = 0.00212501036003232, _ = 1, callback = table: 000000007ECF9748
    [9] dt = 0.00212501036003232, managed = table: 000000007ECB1CF0, _ = [Level], level_wrapper = table: 000000007ECBE608
    [10] dt = 0.00212501036003232

Editor / General: Basic_project: Resource set does not contain the resource named `clouds_result_texture1`

Assertion failed `_resources.has(name)` at `D:\BuildAgent\work\a\git_work\runtime\engine/renderer/resources/resource_set.h:32`

Build identifier: `78475234484fffa8693beb068f4ce096614333af`

Product version: `Release (1.6.1011.0)`

Thread name: `renderer`


    {00007ffb97b30000,  0008b000, 4c0643cc, 93cdcc8c-1c31-4114-aac0-0a3de666d89b, 00000001, xaudio2_7.pdb}
    {00007ffbae710000,  00071000, 57899a5e, a6f01ebb-49ba-4ca7-b083-b8dd16f17f50, 00000001, MMDevAPI.pdb}
    {00007ffbac5b0000,  00094000, 5850cf75, cf20b8b6-6705-4c9d-81a9-3570f0e82f94, 00000001, audioses.pdb}
    {00007ffbb1c50000,  00136000, 584a7730, 6a0ae08b-7c57-48db-a5cb-e130a739f8ef, 00000001, WinTypes.pdb}
    {00007ffbb1dd0000,  0000b000, 578999c8, b0a19a50-edcd-48b0-aec5-54e4100ad351, 00000001, avrt.pdb}
    0x406c46ea d:\buildagent\work\a\git_work\runtime\foundation\error\error.cpp(265): `anonymous namespace'::report_crash_internal
    0x406c4005 d:\buildagent\work\a\git_work\runtime\foundation\error\error.cpp(419): stingray::report_assert_failure
    0x404a92b2 d:\buildagent\work\a\git_work\runtime\application\script\interface\if_renderer.cpp(134): `anonymous namespace'::run_resource
    0x4014d8ea d:\buildagent\work\a\git_work\runtime\application\rendering\render_interface.cpp(3351): stingray::RenderInterface::thread_entry
    0x406ccb51 d:\buildagent\work\a\git_work\runtime\foundation\thread\thread_manager.cpp(310): stingray::ThreadManager::thread_proc
    0xb8338364 BaseThreadInitThunk
    0xb89c70d1 RtlUserThreadStart

System Information

    --- CPU
    CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v3 @ 2.30GHz
    Vendor: GenuineIntel
    Logical processors: 40
    Family: 0:6, Model: 3:15
    Type: 0, Stepping: 2
    Features: SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2
    Feature bits:
    EBX: 00100111 00100000 00001000 00000000 
    ECX: 11111110 11011000 01110011 10000011 
    EDX: 10111111 11001011 11111011 11111111 
    --- OS
    Windows version 6.2 build 9200
    Windows 8
    --- Graphics
    Graphics card: NVIDIA Quadro M6000 24GB (DirectX 11.0)
    Graphics card: Microsoft Basic Render Driver (DirectX 11.0)
    --- Sound
    No sound card detected.
    --- Network
    Network interface: Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter (IPv4, IPv6)
    Network interface: Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I217-LM (IPv4, IPv6)
    Network interface: Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #2 (IPv6)
    Network interface: Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #3 (IPv6)
    --- Input
    Input device: Mouse (18.1): マウス
    Input device: Keyboard (19.10): キーボード
    Input device: Generic (17.0): Micr
    Input device: Generic (17.0): Microsoft ハードウェア USB マウス

Lua Stack

    [0] [C]: in function resource
    [1] clouds-resources/clouds.lua:5: in function generate
    [2] clouds-resources/clouds.lua:27:in function <clouds-resources/clouds.lua:26>
    [3] [C]: in function load_level
    [4] core/appkit/lua/simple_project.lua:104: in function load_level
    [5] core/appkit/lua/simple_project.lua:153: in function change_level
    [6] script/lua/main_menu.lua:28: in function perform_action
    [7] script/lua/main_menu.lua:126: in function update
    [8] core/appkit/lua/level_wrapper.lua:82: in function update
    [9] core/appkit/lua/app.lua:252: in function update
    [10] core/appkit/lua/simple_project.lua:214:in function <core/appkit/lua/simple_project.lua:210>

Lua Locals

    [1] self = table: 000000007ECF9720
    [2] world = [World], instances = table: 000000007EC9F050
    [4] resource_name = content/levels/basic, level_name = nil, world = [World]
    [5] resource_name = content/levels/basic, level = [Level]
    [7] object = nil, dt = 0.0020773520227521658
    [8] self = table: 000000007ECBE608, dt = 0.0020773520227521658, _ = 1, callback = table: 000000007ECF9748
    [9] dt = 0.0020773520227521658, managed = table: 000000007EC62B18, _ = [Level], level_wrapper = table: 000000007ECBE608
    [10] dt = 0.0020773520227521658
greje656 commented 7 years ago

Hi guys, yeah it's a known limitation. At the moment you have to use autoload = true in the settings.ini file of the project

tumezawa commented 7 years ago

Yes, I found that in Slack, and could make it work in VIVE