gremau / NMEG_FluxProc

Code used to process and manage eddy covariance data for the New Mexico Elevation Gradient.
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Consolidate Reichstein, Lasslop, and Keenan partitioning into 1 Ameriflux file #6

Closed gremau closed 9 years ago

gremau commented 9 years ago

Consolidate all partitioning types into Ameriflux files

Currently the 2 types of partitioning we use are put into different versions of Ameriflux files. Ameriflux files should contain all partitioning types so that we don't have such a fragmented group of files.

This may be temporary, as Ameriflux may not want all partitioning sent to them, so perhaps these partitioned outputs will eventually find a home in a new file.

gremau commented 9 years ago

Have made progress on this. All partitioning types are in the Ameriflux files being made by the 'test_branch'. Will update when all changes are merged to master.

Initial commit: b6b361ce5f62 Merged to master: 91efe23feda3f Enhancements: e7d1b252c4ad8 ( Not merged to master yet )

gremau commented 9 years ago

Closing this issue as it is pretty much complete (Enhancements above are merged to master). Also, there are no longer separate Reichstein vs Lasslop folders on the ftp.

Note that Keenan partitioning is currently not included in AF output (commented out). This partitioning doesn't really look right to us. Perhaps we'll include it in the future. See:
