Closed IRMobydick closed 8 years ago
Yes, when the parent is expanded/collapsed the children are inserted and removed dynamically. That gives you the nice animation effects of the recyclerview. So, you would need to enhance the library to maintain selected state as those views are regenerated. It shouldn't be too difficult.
But I stuck here! :( Is it possible for you to provide an example?
I understand. Unfortunately you are asking for a feature that does not exist, so there's no example to be made yet.
Hi there, I've finally solved the issue tonight :D
I'm using this library to populate my app categories and their subs. sub categories have id
I defined two SparseBooleanArray
to keep mSelectedPosition
and mSelectedPositionCatID
in OnBindViewHolder
and in child type:
View view = holder.itemView;
int currentPositionCatId = visibleItems.get(position).ROW_ID;
if(mSelectedPositionCatID.size() > 0){
if(currentPosotionCatId == mSelectedPositionCatID.keyAt(0)){
view.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if(mSelectedPositionCatID.size() > 0){
for (int i = 0; i < mSelectedPositionCatID.size(); i++) {
int catId = mSelectedPositionCatID.keyAt(i);
for (int j = 0; j < mSelectedPosition.size(); j++) {
int pos = mSelectedPosition.keyAt(j);
if(catId == Integer.parseInt(visibleItems.get(pos).ROW_ID)){
mSelectedPositionCatID.put(visibleItems.get(position).ROW_ID, true);
mSelectedPosition.put(position, true);
It works for me as well as i want :dart:
Awesome! Glad you got it working
Hi there, Thanks for your prompt response.
I'm going to show users a selected state for children rows. but Library each time user open parent row, insert new row and change the position! then when user scroll the list, may have see multiple row is selected!!
I'm using
to map integer to Boolean for this goal. but when position had change this solution is worthless!How you handle it?