Closed starcraft66 closed 3 years ago
What did it look like before? I think previously only certain widgets had pango enabled by default, but now all widgets do, so it could be that?
Something definitely broke, some icons went missing others are displaying wrong symbols. My i3config bar
bar {
font pango:"MesloLGS NF" 10
position top
height 20
status_command sleep 2 ; /usr/bin/i3status-rs ~/.config/i3status-rs/config.toml
colors {
separator #666666
background #222222
statusline #dddddd
focused_workspace #0088CC #0088CC #ffffff
active_workspace #333333 #333333 #ffffff
inactive_workspace #333333 #333333 #888888
urgent_workspace #2f343a #900000 #ffffff
My i3status-rust config
theme = "gruvbox-dark"
name = "awesome"
phone_disconnected = ""
music = ""
volume-muted = ""
block = "music"
player = "spotify"
format = "{title}"
buttons = ["prev", "play", "next"]
dynamic_width = true
max_width = 30
on_collapsed_click = "spotify"
block = "kdeconnect"
format = "{bat_charge} {notif_icon}{notif_count}"
format_disconnected = ""
block = "disk_space"
path = "/"
alias = "/"
info_type = "available"
unit = "GB"
interval = 20
warning = 20.0
alert = 10.0
format = "{icon} {available}"
block = "memory"
display_type = "memory"
format_mem = "{mem_used_percents}"
format_swap = "{swap_used_percents}"
block = "cpu"
interval = 1
block = "temperature"
collapsed = true
interval = 10
format = "{min} , {max} , {average}"
chip = "*-isa-*"
block = "load"
interval = 1
format = "{1m}"
block = "sound"
block = "backlight"
device = "acpi_video0"
block = "battery"
driver = "upower"
format = "{percentage} {time}"
block = "weather"
format = "{weather} {temp}"
service = { name = "openweathermap", api_key = "5459334c36f8e5453769936e08f54d8e", city_id = "3087584", units = "metric" }
block = "time"
interval = 5
format = "%a %d/%m %R"
Here how it looks like
Is the JSON output correct if you run it in a terminal?
Yes it is
Additional info
If the JSON is correct then it's not i3status-rust. It would be i3bar or your installed fonts or perhaps something else
Sorry for opening this here, it turned out to be a NixOS issue in my case that was fixed here:
After updating to 0.20.2, my status bar font started looking like this:
In my config, I have my font set to
pango:MesloLGS Nerd Font Mono
. If I change it toMesloLGS Nerd Font Mono
, my font is displayed but the spacing is wrong: