gresrun / GHSidebarNav

A clone of the new Facebook iOS UI paradigm
Apache License 2.0
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How can this be used to present a modal view controller, or an action sheet? #17

Closed inPhilly closed 11 years ago

inPhilly commented 11 years ago

I can see from the previous issues and comments that this controller can be used to present a modal view controller; I have tried to do this in the code to no avail. Can you possibly provide some same code either in the github project, or in response to this issue, to show 1) how to present a modal view controller and 2) how to present a UIActionSheet? I am also trying to figure out how to present an email composition, but hopefully I can figure that out from any other code you can provide. The idea of reveal blocks is new to me.

gresrun commented 11 years ago

@mommyme This framework is designed to present non-modal view controllers. If you want to adapt it to show controllers modally, I'm sure it is possible but not what I intended this to do. There are many resources available on the web for how to present an email composer (MFMailComposeViewController) and UIActionSheets, the same logic applies here.

fluky commented 11 years ago

Actually the framework is described as "A clone of the new Facebook iOS UI paradigm; a sidebar navigation table that is revealed by sliding the main content panel to the right."

The Facebook IOS UI presents several modal controllers from the sidebar navigation. This should not be closed as invalid, it's either not working as designed or incorrectly documented.

gresrun commented 11 years ago

@ewl Presenting a modal view controller is possible. It is not a feature of the framework, however. The README is not an exhaustive specification but an informal description of the library's capabilities.

fluky commented 11 years ago

informal != incorrect

If that's the standards you want to represent yourself with that is your prerogative.