gresrun / GHSidebarNav

A clone of the new Facebook iOS UI paradigm
Apache License 2.0
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Problems with iOS 7 #31

Closed forsan closed 10 years ago

forsan commented 11 years ago

Hello thank you for amazing project...

i used your code with in my app

but in ios 7... i found many problems... something in navigation, menu, search bar and search result.

hope you update you code to be compatible with ios 7...

many thanks :)


gresrun commented 11 years ago

Shhh... NDA and alll! ;-)

forsan commented 11 years ago

sorry... i didn't understand your reply... but can see new update these day!

gresrun commented 11 years ago

iOS 7 has not been released yet. All developers are currently under a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) concerning details about iOS 7. I will entertain iOS 7-related bugs once the GM seed has been sent out. Feel free to reopen when that comes to pass.

vimarshsub commented 10 years ago

can we open this issue now

gresrun commented 10 years ago

Try out the latest commit.

forsan commented 10 years ago

Thank you man... we will check it :+1:

forsan commented 10 years ago

i found these problems.

one in this video second in this pic ios simulator screen shot sep 22 2013 4 05 34 pm

gresrun commented 10 years ago

I think I understand the issue in the video. How did you lose the content in the pic?

forsan commented 10 years ago

About pic, Event problem by Coincidence, its not first time it happen but no scenario... In this case after run the app and press to search bar, the issue happen.

gresrun commented 10 years ago

I'll look into this when I get some time. You're welcome to submit a pull request with a fix, too! :smile:

garudaonekh commented 10 years ago


The fix you've done work for iOS7 but it failed to compiled on ios5 or 6.


gresrun commented 10 years ago

@chamroeunbm What errors do you see while compiling?

garudaonekh commented 10 years ago

I used XCode 4.5.1 which does not recognized UIRectEdgeNone. SO i have to wrap my code in precompiler macro


...... ..... ....



if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(setEdgesForExtendedLayout:)]) {

         self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone;
umpire274 commented 10 years ago

@chamroeunbm You must upgrade your Xcode version to new 5.0.1 that include new SDK for iOS7 and OS X Mavericks. After upgrade try to compile again and your compilation error magically disappears.
