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HTML Feedback #2

Open RJP43 opened 7 years ago

RJP43 commented 7 years ago


The following are @ahunker 's and my comments on your submission for HTML Exercise 1:

We are really happy to see that you have successfully added an index page to your personal PSC space and pushed it to this GitHub repo. It does not look like you have got much done on your page besides what we left you off with after class on Friday (2/3). We'd like to see you add a lot more to your site before class tomorrow (2/8).

Start by fixing up your index page. Consider editing your <title> element to reflect what is on your page (I mentioned in class that the contents of your <title> element appear in the tab on your web browser). We'd also like to see you incorporate some links. Try linking out to other sites (perhaps this GitHub or a LinkedIn account) and also create multiple web pages so you can have internal links (perhaps create a page where you share some of your writing). Also, we'd like to see you create at least one <img> element; thus, sharing an image somewhere on your site.

Then, you will need to do some "coloring" by associating a CSS file; add some style to your page so that everything sits cohesively on your site. Be sure to reference our HTML tutorial and CSS tutorial. Also, this tutorial was really helpful in my learning how to write CSS and better develop my web space.

Finally, the big extra step for HTML Exercise 2 is to write a Server Side Include. This can be confusing the first time you write one on your own, but just be sure to read through the instructions on the assignment and our SSI tutorial. Remember, if you get stuck we can always meet tomorrow or simply comment on the DHClass-Hub. Trust me if you are confused so are others!

If you need some inspiration you can check out any one of our little DH communities personal GitHub repos or our sites hosted at the PSC.

You can find your grade for HTML Exercise 1 on Courseweb; Happy Coding!!

RJP43 commented 7 years ago


The following are @jonhoranic and my comments on your submission for HTML Exercise 2:

WOW, what a difference between Exercise 1 and Exercise 2! There is a lot about your site that we like and other parts of your site that could use some more work. We really like you background color choice especially in contrast to that awesome image of you on your main index page. We also like that we gain true insight into your personality and superb writing abilities from the content you have provided. Well done! One thing that we noticed is that you are using a table to style the layout of your contact info. and generally this is a big no-no according to the W3C. You should only use tables for what they are designed for — tabular data — and use CSS to control layout. Checkout this W3C Web Standards Model Wiki that details why using a table to structure layout is bad practice. You could instead turn this into an unordered list (<ul>) and use CSS to make the list appear in a horizontal line without bullet points (feel free to check out my personal site to see how I did something similar to this with my contact info. as you are experimenting with moving this out of a table). We would also like to see you experiment further with the overall spacing on your site so you can get your text to not overlay onto your image and get your various text portions sitting more cohesively and in a more visually appealing layout. Be sure to review the CSS box model for help with these spacing issues.

While we are happy you have linked out to several external sites we would have liked to see you also use some relative links to additional internal pages besides your index page. Part of this second leg of the HTML exercises was to incorporate some kind of Server Side Include onto your site, which you are currently not doing. One of the most common ways SSIs are used is for navigation bars; however, there are plenty of other ways you can incorporate an SSI onto your page (see examples here).

Taking a look at your server permissions: gmu2_permissions We noticed you do not have our recommended permissions set. As you continue to work and build your site it will be important that you change your file permissions so ALL of your files give

  1. you (owner) read, write, execute permissions
  2. group (us other Newtonians) read and execute permissions
  3. others (the world viewing your site) read and execute permissions

Also, don't forget to copy your files over to this repository so you have a backup of ALL your files sitting in "another cloud" instead of just on your computer and the PSC newtFire server space. Overall, nice work! We are really impressed with your drastic improvement from Exercise 1 to Exercise 2 and look forward to seeing how you continue to better this web space throughout the semester and after this course ends.

Good work; you can view your grade for HTML Exercise 2 on Courseweb.