gretchenuhrinek / newsAnalysis

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News Articles #4

Open gretchenuhrinek opened 7 years ago

gretchenuhrinek commented 7 years ago

Just to get this started, here are some articles I found that covered the Women's March on Jan. 21:

I found that it was helpful to refine my search on each site so I only got results from the day of the event, and then I sifted through those results to find articles that covered the primary event itself.

I think that our best course of action right now is for each of us to go through those four articles and consider how each one is different.

For instance, the Fox article starts off with, "Wearing pink, pointy-eared 'pussyhats' to mock the new president, hundreds of thousands of women massed in the nation's capital and cities around the globe Saturday to send Donald Trump an emphatic message that they won't let his agenda go unchallenged over the next four years." The BBC article's opening is, "Millions of protesters have taken to the streets of cities in the US and around the globe to rally against the new US President Donald Trump."

There's definitely a huge disparity between the two openings, but what causes it? Is it the sentence structure, the word choice, the imagery? Think about that as you go through these articles and comment on how you think we should go about marking up articles for this project.

@ajnewton1 @Samantha-Mcguigan @jonhoranic @RJP43

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

After class today, @ajnewton1 , @Samantha-Mcguigan, and @jonhoranic met with @RJP43 and me (@ebeshero), to discuss what to do next. @gretchenuhrinek was notably absent.

Possible things that could be marked up in the articles may be:

adjective and adverb use outside of direct quotations, and whether or not these words typically register a positive or negative emotion
sources and source credibility
use of statistics in the articles
age, gender, sex, and race of speakers, subjects, and journalists
Ideally, this markup would help reveal the integrity of news organizations and could perhaps be used as a sort of "truth finder" or something.

Right now, the markup strategy should come first, together with refining your selection principle (what kinds of articles do you want to process in [X] way?)

jonhoranic commented 7 years ago

@ajnewton1 @Samantha-Mcguigan Quick update guys, the weekend had some technical hiccups here at home with the ever wonderful Comcast. It did not slow me down when it came to accessing things and starting to code, what did slow me down was helping the family set up the new TV's and Comcast boxes, so it has been a bit hectic with the house half dismantled.

My apologies on having to delay, but hopefully I can have a mark up by Monday night or sometime mid-Tuesday at the latest.