grewe / covid_id

Mobile vision project to create app for crowd shared situation awareness featuring Computer Vision and Machine Learning.
2 stars 7 forks source link

Philip - welcome, help get up to speed #22

Closed grewe closed 4 years ago

grewe commented 4 years ago

(LYNNE) ToDos:Get connected on different communication platforms and tools setup

(LYNNE) Go over REU weekly journals

(LYNNE) Go over tentative shcedule , leadership roles and deliverables

(LYNNE) Meet other team members

(SHIVALI) Setup meetings sessions with Shivali to understand Android CovidID

(SHIVALI + EMMANUEL) Setup meetings with Rohan/Dikshant/Shivali and/or Emmanuel to go over Tensorflow

(EMMANUEL) Setup meeting to work with Emmanuel to setup machine for Anaconda + python + tensorflow and familiarize with jupyter notebook

(PHILIP - on own)LEARN basic Python Training w/ Tensorflor (Cat/Dog model) and Android App to call Tensorflow modle see: