greyltc / docker-owncloud

Arch linux based docker container with owncloud
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SSL Keys Option A #94

Closed robclay closed 8 years ago

robclay commented 8 years ago

When running with: docker run -v /shares/myextshare:/usr/share/webapps/owncloud/data --name oc --restart=’always’ -p 8080:80 -p 8443:443 -d l3iggs/owncloud everything seems to work.

When I try to add my own SSL Key: docker run -v /shares/myextshare:/usr/share/webapps/owncloud/data -v /home/root/sslCert:/root/sslKeys --name oc --restart=’always’ -p 8080:80 -p 8443:443 -d l3iggs/owncloud I get: Error response from daemon: Cannot start container 7(yada Yad Yada)a: [8] System error: invalid argument Any Suggestions or order placement issues?

And as an aside... thanks for making this available!

greyltc commented 8 years ago

Your permissions on /home/root/sslCert and probably /home/root are preventing docker from using that folder?

robclay commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your quick response! I changed the location / ran the permissions and I ended starting the image without the error. Something strange happens... I am unable to connect at all...
Firefox reports: Unable to connect... but if I remove the -v "ssl stuff" and run again, I can connect (using the self signed cert in Option B I guess.)

Question: When I created the CSR file to apply for my SSL, should I have run the commands within docker somehow? I used openssl req -new -key <private key file name>.key -out <csr file name>.csr. Because I do not fully grasp how SSLs work, I am wondering if that can be an issue?

Also, I just talked to a chat help with rapidssl... they told me I needed to have the intermediate.crt also placed in the same directory. Does this need to be named something specifically to match yours?

Thanks for any and all help!

robclay commented 8 years ago

Fixed by the following:
I 'entered' the container shell. I edited the httpd-ssl.conf and uncommented / modified SSLCertificateChainFile "/root/sslKeys/intermediate.crt" I then: apachectl stop and apachectl start

It prompted: Some of your private key files are encrypted for security reasons. In order to read them you have to provide the pass phrases. so I entered it. But it seems to be working.

Will this always be prompted when I start? i.e. Will I need to 'enter' the container to answer this each time? Or did I mess something up!?


robclay commented 8 years ago

i should have researched... This solves the restart problem. Which i bet was the original issue. :/

greyltc commented 8 years ago

I think the solution here is for you to regenerate your secret SSL files so that they don't need a password to be used. Having them password protected is only really needed if you're worried about them falling into the wrong hands.

robclay commented 8 years ago

Agreed. That solved it.

greyltc commented 8 years ago
