greymass / anchor

EOSIO Desktop Wallet and Authenticator
MIT License
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Anchor Wallet not opening for SIGNATURE when connected to other wallets (EOSX, etc) #1050

Open emmaivybriar opened 3 years ago

emmaivybriar commented 3 years ago

I am trying to use EOSX while connected to Anchor Wallet to send tokens to another account. It says, "Sign - 01:48 Please open Anchor app on “Anchor Desktop” to review and sign the transaction.

When I open up the Anchor Desktop, I don't see any transaction to sign. This also happens with another wallet from the Telos Foundation (It also asks for the Anchor Wallet to be opened, but when I open there is no transaction)

Does anyone have a fix for this?


aaroncox commented 3 years ago

Which version are you using? It's possible an upgrade will resolve this.

One other thing to try would be to log out and back into the application. That will re-establish the connection between the app and Anchor.

emmaivybriar commented 3 years ago

Hi Aaron, I'm using V1.1.12

I exited out by going to File, the Exit Anchor.

I re-opened the Anchor Wallet, and connected it to the Tlos Wallet. Anchor opened and asked me to verify. No problems.

When I tried to do my transaction on the Telos Wallet, it said Sign - 01:48Please open Anchor app on “Anchor Desktop” to review and sign the transaction.

But the app was already opened from when I first connected the two wallets. I saw no place to review and sign the transaction.

What do I do?

aaroncox commented 3 years ago

Try logging out of the Telos Wallet as opposed to Anchor, and then login to the Telos Wallet again.

Restarting Anchor is a good step in troubleshooting as well, but typically logging in and out of the external application itself solves most problems.