greymd / tmux-xpanes

Awesome tmux-based terminal divider
MIT License
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use xpanes for the same machine #170

Closed mossmoss closed 2 years ago

mossmoss commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to type commands in 2 panes on the same host and although I can connect, after de-synchronizing the panes (for me ` + e), I can't seem to select the second pane.

My terminal is WSL2 (Windows 10) connected to an ec2 instance. My command looks like:

xpanes -c "ssh ec2-user@{}" localhost localhost

My .tmux.conf looks like:

bind e setw synchronize-panes unbind C-b set -g prefix ` bind ` send-prefix set-option -g mouse on

mossmoss commented 2 years ago

This seems to work locally on some machines but not the one I want. I can make it work on the machine in question by connecting from an external machine.