Closed lil12t closed 2 years ago
The goal is to do a street search and hide the popup above the label and leave only the label on the map.
I found this example but I can't adapt it to react, how can I adapt it to ?
Here is my code: Delivered package.full does not give errors, but default settings are set without my changes
useEffect(() => { if (isMapLoaded) { const mySearchControl = new ymaps.current.control.SearchControl.superclass.constructor({ options: { noPlacemark: true, }, }); const mySearchResults = new ymaps.current.GeoObjectCollection(null, { hintContentLayout: ymaps.current.templateLayoutFactory.createClass('$[]'), }); mapRef.current.controls.add(mySearchControl); mapRef.current.geoObjects.add(mySearchResults);'click', function (e: any) { e.get('target').options.set('preset', 'islands#redIcon'); }); .add('resultselect', function (e: any) { var index = e.get('index'); mySearchControl.getResult(index).then(function (res: any) { mySearchResults.add(res); }); }) .add('submit', function () { mySearchResults.removeAll(); }); } }, [isMapLoaded]);
<YMaps key={mapLang} query={{ apikey: 'key', lang:'ru_RU', }} > <Map key={lang} state={{ center: defaultPoint, zoom: 15 }} height="85%" modules={[ 'Placemark', 'geocode', 'geoObject.addon.balloon', 'GeoObjectCollection', 'controls', ]} instanceRef={mapRef} options={{ yandexMapDisablePoiInteractivity: true, suppressMapOpenBlock: true, }} onLoad={(ympasInstance) => { if (ympasInstance) { ymaps.current = ympasInstance; setIsMapLoaded(true); } }} width="100%" onClick={onMapClick} > <ZoomControl /> <GeolocationControl /> <FullscreenControl /> </Map> </YMaps>
The goal is to do a street search and hide the popup above the label and leave only the label on the map.
I found this example but I can't adapt it to react, how can I adapt it to ?
Here is my code: Delivered package.full does not give errors, but default settings are set without my changes