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[Bug] Padding is not properly converted on autolayout frame on Figma #116

Open softmarshmallow opened 3 years ago

softmarshmallow commented 3 years ago
TypeError: Cannot read property 'top' of undefined
    at Object.convertToAutoLayout (auto-layout.convert.ts:82)
    at eval (nodes-on-rect.convert.ts:62)
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Object.convertNodesOnRectangle (nodes-on-rect.convert.ts:31)
    at convertFrameNodeToAlt (index.ts:419)
    at eval (index.ts:146)
    at (<anonymous>)
    at intoReflectNodes (index.ts:75)
    at convertFrameNodeToAlt (index.ts:417)
    at eval (index.ts:146)

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