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Sick of CORS Errors?
MIT License
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Syntithenai Chat #128

Open syntithenai opened 2 weeks ago

syntithenai commented 2 weeks ago

You are applying for validated OSS program

Repository URL to your project

URL to your website

Syntithenai is an agentic chat client. Similar to the playgrounds provided by language model providers with additional tools to save prompt configurations as Personas and Teams to implement agentic workflows similar to langchain.

Expected Quota of usage

Depends whether the agentic chat tool gets used and how. At this stage I am only just finishing it before making some effort to put it out the world. If someone creates a Persona and Team that generates many parallel web requests, potentially a lot.

The CORS proxy is only used for web searching with Tavily at this stage.

I imagine 100 web searches would be a heavy user session over hours.


- Category:Language Models
- License:MIT
- Date of release: 06/11/2024

Anything else?

No response

softmarshmallow commented 2 weeks ago

Hi. please join our slack channel, we'll continue from there :)

You can reach me out with handle @universe