gridap / GSoC

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GSOC 2021: GridapMakie.jl: visualization of Gridap.jl computations in Julia via Makie.jl #3

Open Sov-trotter opened 3 years ago

Sov-trotter commented 3 years ago

Hey all! I am Arsh Sharma from India. I have previously worked as a JSoC student for the JuliaGeo community. The project GridapMakie.jl: visualization of Gridap.jl computations in Julia via Makie.jl sounds interesting and I would like to work towards it.

Thanks and Best, Arsh

fverdugo commented 3 years ago

Hi @Sov-trotter ! Thanks to let us know! We will contact you soon to start talking about the topic of your proposal.

fverdugo commented 3 years ago

Hi @Sov-trotter!

This comment is to keep track that we have already had a face-to-face meeting (zoom) discussing about the topic of the proposal.

We look forward to help you with the possible questions that will arise during the preparation of the document.

fverdugo commented 3 years ago

I just came across with this example of the the capabilities of Makie.jl to visualize PDEs interactively.

We could potentially have something similar with GridapMakie!

Sov-trotter commented 3 years ago

Thanks for sharing!