gridap / GSoC

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Urgent GSoC revisions are needed. #9

Closed henrykironde closed 2 years ago

henrykironde commented 2 years ago

Confirmation needed: Google is not happy with our idea lists.

  1. Be sure to include whether the project is a 175 hour (medium sized) or 350 hour (large project). If it can be either, please state that-per idea.
  2. Your Ideas Page URL should be accessible to all and not require login. --- (Covered)
  3. As we state in the Defining a Project Idea List section of the Mentor guide, please provide the following information for each idea: a) a project title/description b) more detailed description of the project (2-5+ sentences) c) expected outcomes d) skills required/preferred e) possible mentors f) expected size of project (175 or 350 hour) g) an easy, medium or hard difficulty rating of each project.

If you want to be selected this year I strongly suggest you make sure your Project Ideas list meets the above requirements ASAP.

fverdugo commented 2 years ago

Hi @henrykironde I would say that we already fulfilled these requirements.

Can you please confirm that you sent this message to all projects and it was not specific for Gridap?