gridap / Gridap.jl

Grid-based approximation of partial differential equations in Julia
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Gradient of a constant times vector not working #388

Closed oriolcg closed 4 years ago

oriolcg commented 4 years ago

Hi @fverdugo @santiagobadia ,

In the latest version of Gridap (@0.14) I have an error when taking the gradient of a constant times a vector, see the following reproducer. This is needed when operating with averaged quantities, e.g. ϵ(uθ)=ϵ(θ*u+(1-θ)*uₙ).

module Reproducer
using Gridap

domain = (-1,1,-1,1)
partition = (2,2)
model = CartesianDiscreteModel(domain,partition)
trian = Triangulation(model)
quad = CellQuadrature(trian,2)

V = TestFESpace(
  conformity =:H1,
U = TrialFESpace(V)

uh1 = interpolate(VectorValue(0.0,0.0),U)

F = integrate(∇(0.5*uh1),trian,quad)

The problem that I get is caused by the fact that the operation * between the constant and the vector converts the constant to a CellField (with constant values). Then, when taking the gradient, it does not go to the apply_gradient function specialized for the case when one of the arguments is of type ::Number, where the gradient of a product was omitting the gradient of the Number ( Instead, it goes to the generic function

Therefore, now we have the following operation happening in the code: ∇(a*uh)=∇(a)*uh + a*∇(uh). This results in a + operator between a VectorValue and a TensorValue which, of course, it's not supported.

This issue has three possible fixes: 1) Everything would work if the * operator would preserve the Number type, but I don't know if this is possible/desirable. 2) We could specialize the apply_gradient function that we have for Number, but in that case for FillArrays.Fill{Number, .....} (I don't really know the exact type that we should put there). 3) We could make it work for the general case making the result of the product of the first term (∇(a)*uh) a tensor, which is what it should be: ∇(a)*uh=∂a/∂xᵢ*uhⱼ. For this we would need that ∇(a) returns a VectorValue (now it returns an array of zeros) and instead of using the product *, use the outer product .

Option 1) is what we had until version 0.13. Do you have any insights on this? Am I missing any important point?

fverdugo commented 4 years ago

I don't understand why in version 0.13 worked and not in 0.14. This part seems the same (perhaps I am missing something). In both cases the Number object gets inserted into a Fill right?

fverdugo commented 4 years ago

Now I see, in Gridap 0.13 this method was not called (in contrast what I was expecting). The methed that is being called is the default one:

Which iterates over cells and at each cell computes the gradient. To do so, this method is eventually called

In Gridap 0.14 is not working since we are not calling the default implementation and we use this one as you said.

fverdugo commented 4 years ago

In conclusion, We need to replace this (which is never called)

    function apply_gradient(k::Valued{FieldOpKernel{typeof($op)}},a::Number,b)
      gb = field_array_gradient(b)

to this:

    function apply_gradient(k::Valued{FieldOpKernel{typeof($op)}},a::AbstractArray{<:Number},b)
      gb = field_array_gradient(b)

Idem for a,b::Number

@oriolcg can you do this ? and add some test that checks that it is indeed working?? Thanks!

oriolcg commented 4 years ago

Yes, I'll create a PR for this. Thanks for the help!

oriolcg commented 4 years ago

Now it tells me that it's ambiguous:

ERROR: MethodError: apply_gradient(::Gridap.Fields.Valued{Gridap.Fields.FieldOpKernel{typeof(*)}}, ::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Gridap.TensorValues.VectorValue{2,Float64},1}) is ambiguous. Candidates:
  apply_gradient(k::Gridap.Fields.Valued{Gridap.Fields.FieldOpKernel{typeof(*)}}, a::AbstractArray{#s8,N} where N where #s8<:Number, b) in Gridap.Fields at c:\Users\ocolomesgene\Progs\git-repos\gridap\Gridap.jl\src\Fields\FieldOperations.jl:208
  apply_gradient(k::Gridap.Fields.Valued{Gridap.Fields.FieldOpKernel{typeof(*)}}, b, a::AbstractArray{#s8,N} where N where #s8<:Number) in Gridap.Fields at c:\Users\ocolomesgene\Progs\git-repos\gridap\Gridap.jl\src\Fields\FieldOperations.jl:213
Possible fix, define
  apply_gradient(::Gridap.Fields.Valued{Gridap.Fields.FieldOpKernel{typeof(*)}}, ::AbstractArray{#s8,N} where N where #s8<:Number, ::AbstractArray{#s8,N} where N where #s8<:Number)

I guess it's because both arguments are arrays, but is Gridap.TensorValues.VectorValue{2,Float64} <: Number?

fverdugo commented 4 years ago

You can implement the extra method. But this is a bit extrange, are you calling something like field_array_gradient(fill(1.0,l)*fill(3.0,l)) ??

oriolcg commented 4 years ago

No, one fill has a constant and the other a VectorValue, something like that:

c = 0.5
vec = VectorValue(1.0,1.0)
cx = fill(c,np)
vecx = fill(vec,np)
acvecx = apply_to_field_array(FieldOpKernel(*),cx,vecx)
gacvecx = field_array_gradient(acvecx)
fverdugo commented 4 years ago

Yes, sure. If you want to call this, then you need to implement the extra method.

oriolcg commented 4 years ago

OK, I see now. I should use a Field. I'm creating the PR now.