Closed bhaveshshrimali closed 4 years ago
Probably, the easiest way to implement this is defining the law
after applying the direction, e.g.,
@law function L(∇u,∇du)
SymmetricTensorValue(your components)
You need a SymmetricTensorValue
, because you will use L(∇u,∇du)⊙ ε(dv)
in your bilinear form.
Alternatively, you could use a SymmetricFourthOrderTensor
for L(∇u)
but probably more complicated.
By the way, even though not in the tests yet, you can also use autodiff. Just define the residual and the tangent operator is automatically calculated.
Take a look here:
You just do FETerm(res,trian,quad)
and the Jacobian is computer internally
You need a
, because you will useL(∇u,∇du)⊙ ε(dv)
in your bilinear form.
Thanks @santiagobadia !!
Right, I was thinking more like L(∇u,∇du)⊙ ∇v
but in any case the tangent (right now) will have major symmetry so either should work.
You just do
and the Jacobian is computer internally
This is fantastic. I will definitely check it out.
On a slightly related note, I am trying to implement a simple 3D hyperelasticity example for understanding Gridap usage. In fact it is the FEniCS hyperelasticity example. I wanted to check the numbering of the facet IDs to apply Dirichlet boundary conditions, but somehow I am not able to write the model
to a vtk file.
using Gridap
domain = (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)
partition = (24, 16, 16)
model = CartesianDiscreteModel(domain, partition)
writevtk(model, "model")
fails with
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type
WriteVTK.MeshCell{WriteVTK.VTKCellTypes.VTKCellType,Array{Int64,1}} to an object of type
WriteVTK.MeshCell{Array{Int64,1},V} where V<:(Union{AbstractArray{T,1}, Tuple{Vararg{T,N}} where N} where T<:Integer)
Closest candidates are:
convert(::Type{T}, !Matched::T) where T at essentials.jl:171
Any clues as to what could be going wrong ?
Hi @bhaveshshrimali
This looks like an old error (issue #286). It should be fixed. Which version are you using?
This looks like an old error (issue #286). It should be fixed. Which version are you using?
Ah. I am using 0.9.2
This is way too old. Use the latest one v0.14.0
This is way too old. Use the latest one v0.14.0
In trying to update Gridap to the master branch
(@v1.4) pkg>add Gridap#master
it seems to be incompatible with GridapPardiso
and GridapODEs
for some reasons. Removing those in the meantime still gave errors with DifferentialEquations.jl
. So I added the v0.13.4 version. Note that doing
(@v1.4) pkg> add Gridap@0.14.0
threw a bunch of compatibility errors
ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package Parameters [d96e819e]:
Parameters [d96e819e] log:
├─possible versions are: [0.9.1-0.9.2, 0.10.0-0.10.3, 0.11.0, 0.12.0-0.12.1] or uninstalled
├─restricted by compatibility requirements with LineSearches [d3d80556] to versions: [0.9.1-0.9.2, 0.10.0-0.10.3, 0.11.0, 0.12.0-0.12.1]
│ └─LineSearches [d3d80556] log:
│ ├─possible versions are: [7.0.0-7.0.1, 7.1.0] or uninstalled
│ ├─restricted to versions * by an explicit requirement, leaving only versions [7.0.0-7.0.1, 7.1.0]
│ └─restricted by compatibility requirements with Gridap [56d4f2e9] to versions: [7.0.1, 7.1.0]
Edit: I need to clean up my environment it seems.
Making some progress... I am trying to enforce non-homogeneous Dirichlet data on boundary. I essentially followed the syntax from the Poisson tutorial
using Gridap
domain = (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)
partition = (5, 5, 5)
model = CartesianDiscreteModel(domain, partition)
labels = get_face_labeling(model)
# create meshes in Gmsh and use GridapGmsh, but this should do meanwhile?
V = TestFESpace(
model=model, valuetype=VectorValue{2,Float64},
dirichlet_tags = ["leftFace", "rightFace"])
g0(x) = VectorValue(0.0,0.0,0.0)
g1(x) = VectorValue(
(0.5 + (x[2]-0.5) * cos(π/3) - (x[3] - 0.5) * sin(π/3) - x[2])/2,
(0.5 + (x[2]-0.5) * sin(π/3) + (x[3] - 0.5) * cos(π/3) - x[3])/2
U = TrialFESpace(V, [g0, g1])
But this throws up BoundsError
ERROR: LoadError: BoundsError: attempt to access (1, 9)
at index [3]
when trying to create the TrialFESpace
. I can post the entire traceback if you want. Sorry for bugging with trivial queries. I'll pick things up in time.
Thanks so much for your help in advance!
Edit: I pasted things from the hyperelasticity tutorial and forgot to change the definition of V
V = TestFESpace(
dirichlet_tags = ["leftFace", "rightFace"])
So after a couple of more tries, I managed to get a working code without writing the jacobian explicitly, and letting it calculate the jacobian using AD, as Santiago suggested above:
using Gridap
using LinearAlgebra: inv, det
using LineSearches: BackTracking
E = 10.
ν = 0.3
const μ = E/2/(1+ν)
const λ = 2*μ*ν/(1-2*ν)
# deformation gradient
F(∇u) = one(∇u) + ∇u
J(F) = det(F)
C(F) = (F') * F
# body force
B(x) = VectorValue(
0.0, -0.5, 0.0
# surfaceTraction
T(x) = VectorValue(
0.1, 0.0, 0.0
# constitutive relation
@law function S(∇u)
Js = J(F(∇u))
μ * (F(∇u) - (inv(F(∇u)))') + λ * Js * (Js - 1) * (inv(F(∇u)))'
function res(u, v)
S(∇(u)) ⊙ ∇(v) - B ⊙ v
domain = (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)
partition = (24, 16, 16)
model = CartesianDiscreteModel(domain, partition)
labels = get_face_labeling(model)
V = TestFESpace(
dirichlet_tags = ["leftFace", "rightFace"])
trian = Triangulation(model)
quad=CellQuadrature(trian, degree)
neumannTags = ["topFace"]
btrian = BoundaryTriangulation(model, neumannTags)
bquad = CellQuadrature(btrian, degree)
a_Ω = FETerm(res, trian, quad)
b_Γ(v) = T ⊙ v
t_Γ = FESource(b_Γ, btrian, bquad)
nls = NLSolver(
g0(x) = VectorValue(0.0,0.0,0.0)
g1(x) = VectorValue(
(0.5 + (x[2]-0.5) * cos(π/3) - (x[3] - 0.5) * sin(π/3) - x[2])/2,
(0.5 + (x[2]-0.5) * sin(π/3) + (x[3] - 0.5) * cos(π/3) - x[3])/2
U = TrialFESpace(V, [g0, g1])
#FE problem
op = FEOperator(U, V, a_Ω, t_Γ)
solver = FESolver(nls)
x0 = zeros(Float64, num_free_dofs(V))
uh = FEFunction(U, x0)
uh, = solve!(uh, solver, op)
however the results seem to be a bit off (I will check the Dirichlet boundary conditions). I am guessing either the facets aren't properly identified (which of course you could tell better) or there is something else that I am doing incorrectly.
Albeit poor in this case, I would be happy to know on how to tune knobs on the solver to accelerate this. :)
Iter f(x) inf-norm Step 2-norm
------ -------------- --------------
0 3.112098e-01 NaN
1 3.438451e-01 9.883077e-01
2 3.101497e-01 8.094973e-01
3 3.081619e-01 8.202590e-03
4 2.584847e-01 7.362241e-01
5 2.561357e-01 7.525048e-03
6 2.443304e-01 2.779464e-01
7 2.333284e-01 1.297588e-01
8 2.304624e-01 1.591403e-02
9 2.112249e-01 4.549931e-01
10 2.015671e-01 8.803574e-02
11 1.847135e-01 2.841682e-01
12 1.760663e-01 6.510608e-02
13 1.574417e-01 3.385638e-01
14 1.411452e-01 1.721633e+01
15 6.264860e-02 1.482406e-02
16 6.257339e-02 1.374721e-04
17 5.961920e-02 2.429494e-02
18 5.428662e-02 1.533825e-02
19 5.395815e-02 9.677739e-04
20 4.525693e-02 3.074569e-02
21 4.462859e-02 1.753714e-02
22 4.016006e-02 3.056113e-03
23 3.290873e-02 7.791026e-03
24 2.964262e-02 1.851017e-03
25 1.798754e-02 1.967587e-02
26 1.453088e-02 2.984918e-03
27 1.556418e-02 6.476555e-02
28 1.401099e-02 3.537729e-05
29 1.116159e-02 1.143109e-04
30 6.233009e-03 1.672470e-03
31 2.843089e-03 5.852692e-04
32 3.018364e-04 2.283751e-05
33 4.181298e-05 5.906123e-06
34 7.248264e-08 1.036177e-08
35 6.395863e-12 8.371601e-13
Thanks again!
Just for completeness, when I try to define the tangent as
function Lv(∇u, ∇du)
Js = J(F(∇u))
Finv = inv(F(∇u))
μ * (∇du + Finv' ⋅ ∇du' ⋅ Finv') + λ * (2 * Js - 1) * Js * ((Finv' ⊙ ∇du) * Finv') - λ * Js * (Js - 1) * (Finv' ⋅ ∇du' ⋅ Finv')
jac(u, du, v) = Lv(∇(u), ∇(du)) ⊙ ∇(v)
and change the FETerm
a_Ω = FETerm(res, jac, trian, quad)
it throws a method error on one
which seems really weird. Am I missing anything obvious ?
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching one(::Gridap.Geometry.GenericCellField{true})
Closest candidates are:
one(!Matched::Type{Missing}) at missing.jl:103
one(!Matched::BitArray{2}) at bitarray.jl:422
one(!Matched::Missing) at missing.jl:100
@law function Lv(∇du, ∇u)
Js = J(F(∇u))
Finv = inv(F(∇u))
μ * (∇du + Finv' ⋅ ∇du' ⋅ Finv') + λ * (2 * Js - 1) * Js * ((Finv' ⊙ ∇du) * Finv') - λ * Js * (Js - 1) * (Finv' ⋅ ∇du' ⋅ Finv')
fixes it, but I might have to check the expressions once again. If you happen to notice something in the application of Dirichlet boundary conditions, I'd be glad to know. No hurries :)
@bhaveshshrimali you are imposing Dirichlet BCs only at the interior of the faces, you also need to impose on the edges and vertices of their boundary. Just add the corresponding ids when defining "rightFace"
Thanks a lot @fverdugo ! That worked perfectly! Is there a way to look for topological entities/subdomains in the mesh from inside Gridap? For instance, generating the tags using a bool function?
Is there a way to look for topological entities/subdomains in the mesh from inside Gridap? For instance, generating the tags using a bool function?
Here is the complete code in case if someone ends up wanting to take a look in the future. The timings are really good (16s) even when compared to FEniCS (12s) on my laptop, which wasn't the point of this exercise but that it ends up being as such is a bonus
Edit: I made a mistake in noting the timings. Gridap is about twice as fast (not exactly the same mesh) 12.916s (Gridap) vs 24.9 s (FEniCS)
using Gridap
using LinearAlgebra: inv, det
using LineSearches: BackTracking, StrongWolfe, HagerZhang
using BenchmarkTools
E = 10.
ν = 0.3
const μ = E/2/(1+ν)
const λ = 2*μ*ν/(1-2*ν)
function run()
# deformation gradient
F(∇u) = one(∇u) + ∇u
J(F) = det(F)
C(F) = (F') * F
# body force
B(x) = VectorValue(
0.0, -0.5, 0.0
# surfaceTraction
T(x) = VectorValue(
0.1, 0.0, 0.0
# constitutive relation
@law function S(∇u)
Js = J(F(∇u))
μ * (F(∇u) - (inv(F(∇u)))') + λ * Js * (Js - 1) * (inv(F(∇u)))'
function res(u, v)
S(∇(u)) ⊙ ∇(v) - B ⊙ v
@law function Lv(∇du, ∇u)
Js = J(F(∇u))
Finv = inv(F(∇u))
μ * (∇du + Finv' ⋅ ∇du' ⋅ Finv') + λ * (2. * Js - 1.) * Js * ((Finv' ⊙ ∇du) * Finv') - λ * Js * (Js - 1) * (Finv' ⋅ ∇du' ⋅ Finv')
jac(u, du, v) = Lv(∇(du), ∇(u)) ⊙ ∇(v)
domain = (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)
partition = (24, 16, 16)
model = CartesianDiscreteModel(domain, partition)
labels = get_face_labeling(model)
add_tag_from_tags!(labels,"rightFace",[2, 4, 6, 8, 14, 16, 18, 20, 26])
add_tag_from_tags!(labels,"leftFace",[1, 3, 5, 7, 13, 15, 17, 19, 25])
# add_tag_from_tags!(labels,"topFace",[4, 24])
V = TestFESpace(
dirichlet_tags = ["leftFace", "rightFace"])
trian = Triangulation(model)
quad=CellQuadrature(trian, degree)
neumannTags = ["boundary"]
btrian = BoundaryTriangulation(model, neumannTags)
bquad = CellQuadrature(btrian, degree)
a_Ω = FETerm(res, trian, quad)
b_Γ(v) = T ⊙ v
t_Γ = FESource(b_Γ, btrian, bquad)
nls = NLSolver(
g0(x) = VectorValue(0.0,0.0,0.0)
g1(x) = VectorValue(
(0.5 + (x[2]-0.5) * cos(π/3) - (x[3] - 0.5) * sin(π/3) - x[2])/2,
(0.5 + (x[2]-0.5) * sin(π/3) + (x[3] - 0.5) * cos(π/3) - x[3])/2
U = TrialFESpace(V, [g0, g1])
#FE problem
op = FEOperator(U, V, a_Ω, t_Γ)
solver = FESolver(nls)
x0 = zeros(Float64, num_free_dofs(V))
uh = FEFunction(U, x0)
uh, = solve!(uh, solver, op)
@btime run()
Iter f(x) inf-norm Step 2-norm
------ -------------- --------------
0 1.078283e-01 NaN
1 2.437673e-02 8.468532e+01
2 4.816547e-03 1.918918e+00
3 7.730276e-04 5.282747e-02
4 1.071959e-05 3.422126e-05
5 9.712950e-09 1.616911e-08
Just one last question before I close this: how to create a mesh with tets instead of hexs ? I am planning to take a look here but that would require some more reading and understanding on my part.
Also for I/O is XDMF a format that you might be considering in the future especially with GridapDistributed
Just simplexify
your current model:
model = CartesianDiscreteModel(domain,partition)
tmodel = simplexify(model)
You could also use unstructed meshes, take a look at the corresponding tutorial.
The timing results are amazing. We have always tried to implement things the right way, type-stability, zero allocations in numerically intensive parts, etc. But we have not optimised the code yet. So, as a starting point, it is VERY sound.
Thanks @santiagobadia @fverdugo This was a nice introductory exercise. Will continue to read and explore Gridap in the weeks to come. My long term goal is to also use Gridap for solving larger problems, and if possible on a cluster.
With the newer syntax via 0.15.0
(slightly different timings, but mostly the same)
Iter f(x) inf-norm Step 2-norm
------ -------------- --------------
0 1.078283e-01 NaN
1 2.166898e-02 8.536010e+01
2 6.889270e-03 1.942855e+00
3 8.970176e-04 6.448036e-02
4 1.966333e-05 5.180504e-05
5 1.936679e-08 2.823595e-08
6 1.600196e-14 1.315987e-14
20.919 s (2131237 allocations: 3.54 GiB)
using Gridap
using LineSearches: BackTracking, StrongWolfe, HagerZhang
using BenchmarkTools
E = 10.
ν = 0.3
const μ = E/2/(1+ν)
const λ = 2*μ*ν/(1-2*ν)
function run()
# deformation gradient
F(∇u) = one(∇u) + ∇u
J(F) = det(F)
C(F) = (F') * F
# body force
B(x) = VectorValue(
0.0, -0.5, 0.0
# surfaceTraction
T(x) = VectorValue(
-0.1, 0.0, 0.0
# constitutive relation
function S(∇u)
Js = J(F(∇u))
μ * (F(∇u) - (inv(F(∇u)))') + λ * Js * (Js - 1) * (inv(F(∇u)))'
function res(u, v)
∫( (S∘∇(u) ⊙ ∇(v)) - B ⊙ v )*dΩ - ∫( T ⊙ v )*dΓ_t
function Lv(∇du, ∇u)
Js = J(F(∇u))
Finv = inv(F(∇u))
μ * (∇du + Finv' ⋅ ∇du' ⋅ Finv') + λ * (2. * Js - 1.) * Js * ((Finv' ⊙ ∇du) * Finv') - λ * Js * (Js - 1) * (Finv' ⋅ ∇du' ⋅ Finv')
jac(u, du, v) = ∫( Lv∘(∇(du), ∇(u)) ⊙ ∇(v) )*dΩ
domain = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
partition = (24, 16, 16)
model = CartesianDiscreteModel(domain, partition)
labels = get_face_labeling(model)
add_tag_from_tags!(labels, "rightFace", [2, 4, 6, 8, 14, 16, 18, 20, 26])
add_tag_from_tags!(labels, "leftFace", [1, 3, 5, 7, 13, 15, 17, 19, 25])
reffe = ReferenceFE(:Lagrangian, VectorValue{3, Float64}, 1)
V = TestFESpace(model, reffe, conformity=:H1, dirichlet_tags = ["leftFace", "rightFace"])
Ω = Triangulation(model)
degree = 2
dΩ = LebesgueMeasure(Ω, degree)
neumannTags = ["boundary"]
Γ_t = BoundaryTriangulation(model, tags=neumannTags)
dΓ_t = LebesgueMeasure(Γ_t, degree)
nls = NLSolver(
g0(x) = VectorValue(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
g1(x) = VectorValue(
(0.5 + (x[2]-0.5) * cos(π/3) - (x[3] - 0.5) * sin(π/3) - x[2])/2,
(0.5 + (x[2]-0.5) * sin(π/3) + (x[3] - 0.5) * cos(π/3) - x[3])/2
U = TrialFESpace(V, [g0, g1])
#FE problem
op = FEOperator(res, jac, U, V)
solver = FESolver(nls)
x0 = zeros(Float64, num_free_dofs(V))
uh = FEFunction(U, x0)
uh, = solve!(uh, solver, op)
writevtk(Ω, "resultsHyperNew", cellfields=["uh"=>uh, "sigma"=>S∘∇(uh)])
Hi all,
Finally started experimenting with Gridap after a long overdue :)
I had a very basic question What is the best way in Gridap to include indicial notation as in continuum mechanics. For instance, in the following I would like to calculate the tangent modulus
L = dS/dF
which could be given component wise asmu * one[i,k]*one[j,l] + ...
Albeit for this simple case it may not be needed, the idea is to do this for more general constitutive relations, which could be cumbersom to write abstractly