@fverdugo @santiagobadia
When solving a heat equation using AgFEM (aggregation only in space) , CG(1) discretization in space and DG(0) discretization in time, if the domain is aligned to the Background mesh then an error, AssertionError: n_ldofs == size(mat, 1) is observed in line op = AffineFEOperator(U,V,t_Ω,t_Γ,t_s) in the following code.
@fverdugo @santiagobadia When solving a heat equation using AgFEM (aggregation only in space) , CG(1) discretization in space and DG(0) discretization in time, if the domain is aligned to the Background mesh then an error, AssertionError: n_ldofs == size(mat, 1) is observed in line
op = AffineFEOperator(U,V,t_Ω,t_Γ,t_s)
in the following code.