gridap / GridapODEs.jl

Time stepping for Gridap
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bug when integrating any skeleton term #23

Closed santiagobadia closed 4 years ago

santiagobadia commented 4 years ago

Hi @fverdugo @oriolcg

I see that whatever term I try to integrate with skeleton, it does not work.

E.g., you can find the DG heat equation test here

The stack trace of the error is horrendous. The error is

MethodError: no method matching array_cache(::Gridap.Geometry.SkeletonPair{Gridap.Arrays.Reindexed{Array{Int64,1},1,Gridap.Arrays.Table{Int64,Int32},Array{Int64,1}},Gridap.Arrays.Reindexed{Array{Int64,1},1,Gridap.Arrays.Table{Int64,Int32},Array{Int64,1}}})
Closest candidates are:
  array_cache(::Any, !Matched::Gridap.Arrays.ArrayPair) at /home/santiago/.julia/packages/Gridap/6bVfG/src/Arrays/ArrayPairs.jl:34
  array_cache(::Any, !Matched::Gridap.Arrays.UnpairedArray) at /home/santiago/.julia/packages/Gridap/6bVfG/src/Arrays/ArrayPairs.jl:95
  array_cache(::Any, !Matched::T) where T at /home/santiago/.julia/packages/Gridap/6bVfG/src/Arrays/Interface.jl:78

Any idea what is going on in Gridap?

I don't see anything special in GridapODEs and interior and boundary terms work perfect.

@oriolcg have you been able to integrate skeleton terms for transient problems?

santiagobadia commented 4 years ago

@connormallon skeleton cell bug fixed in #24

I Close the issue