gridap / GridapODEs.jl

Time stepping for Gridap
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Add test for the sparse Jacobian usage #49

Open ChrisRackauckas opened 3 years ago

ChrisRackauckas commented 3 years ago

The issue you had was that you didn't utilize a sparse Jacobian solver.

ChrisRackauckas commented 3 years ago
using Test
using Gridap
using GridapODEs
using GridapODEs.ODETools
using GridapODEs.TransientFETools
using GridapODEs.DiffEqWrappers

# using DifferentialEquations
using Sundials
using Gridap.Algebra: NewtonRaphsonSolver
using Base.Iterators

# FE problem (heat eq) using Gridap
function fe_problem(u, n)

  f(t) = x -> ∂t(u)(x, t) - Δ(u(t))(x)

  domain = (0, 1, 0, 1)
  partition = (n, n)
  model = CartesianDiscreteModel(domain, partition)

  order = 1

  reffe = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,order)
  V0 = FESpace(
    conformity = :H1,
    dirichlet_tags = "boundary",
  U = TransientTrialFESpace(V0, u)

  Ω = Triangulation(model)
  degree = 2 * order
  dΩ = Measure(Ω, degree)

  a(u, v) = ∫( ∇(v) ⋅ ∇(u) )dΩ
  b(v, t) = ∫( v * f(t) )dΩ
  m(u, v) = ∫( v * u )dΩ

  res(t, u, ut, v) = a(u, v) + m(ut, v) - b(v, t)
  jac(t, u, ut, du, v) = a(du, v)
  jac_t(t, u, ut, dut, v) = m(dut, v)

  op = TransientFEOperator(res, jac, jac_t, U, V0)

  U0 = U(0.0)
  uh0 = interpolate_everywhere(u(0.0), U0)
  u0 = get_free_values(uh0)

  return op, u0


# Solving the heat equation using GridapODEs and DiffEqs
tspan = (0.0, 1.0)

u(x, t) = t
u(t) = x -> u(x, t)

# ISSUE 1: When I choose n > 2, even though the problem that we will solve is
# linear, the Sundials solvers seems to have convergence issues in the nonlinear
# solver (?). Ut returns errors
# [IDAS ERROR]  IDACalcIC Newton/Linesearch algorithm failed to converge.
# ISSUE 2: When I pass `jac_prototype` the code gets stuck

n = 128 # cells per dim (2D)
op, u0 = fe_problem(u,n)

# Some checks
res!, jac!, mass!, stif! = diffeq_wrappers(op)
J = prototype_jacobian(op,u0)
r = copy(u0)
θ = 1.0; t0 = 0.0; tF = 1.0; dt = 0.1; tθ = 1.0; dtθ = dt*θ
res!(r, u0, u0, nothing, tθ)
jac!(J, u0, u0, nothing, (1 / dtθ), tθ)

K = prototype_jacobian(op,u0)
M = prototype_jacobian(op,u0)
stif!(K, u0, u0, nothing, tθ)
mass!(M, u0, u0, nothing, tθ)
# Here you have the mass matrix M

@test (1/dtθ)*M+K ≈ J

# To explore the Sundials solver options, e.g., BE with fixed time step dtd
f_iip = DAEFunction{true}(res!; jac = jac!, jac_prototype=J)
# jac_prototype is the way to pass my pre-allocated jacobian matrix
prob_iip = DAEProblem{true}(f_iip, u0, u0, tspan, differential_vars = trues(length(u0)))

@time sol_iip = Sundials.solve(prob_iip, IDA(linear_solver=:KLU), reltol = 1e-8, abstol = 1e-8)
#@show sol_iip.u

It solves the n=128 version in:

6.337406 seconds (96.90 M allocations: 3.621 GiB, 6.56% gc time)

What's the timing you have on the other methods to hit this accuracy?

ChrisRackauckas commented 3 years ago

@jd-lara do KLU wasn't built for 32-bit?

jd-lara commented 3 years ago

The current version of Sundials is all built with 64 bit indexing.