gridcoin-community / Gridcoin-Tasks

Gridcoin community tasks repository
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visualization of BOINC/Gridcoin data (e.g. heat map, timelapse, ...) #104

Closed skcin closed 4 years ago

skcin commented 6 years ago

Issue by Erkan-Yilmaz Monday Apr 03, 2017 at 17:39 GMT Originally opened as

HM: anyone following r/place on reddit.... bitcoin has their logo on it, GRC should also.

EY: HM looks like the 1mio pixel thinggy from a few years ago (see: The Million Dollar Homepage) EY: never understood why people would pay for that, since it's forgotten afterwards CM: Now.. If you were allocated ink based on your magnitude... CM: Balance | mag HM: that would be interesting CM, how place worked is that you got to place 1 tile every X minutes (where X ranged from 3 minutes to 20 minutes but ended up being 5 minutes for the past day or so) HM: Here is one of the time lapses: M: HM: Interestin' concept community artform .. can we not do one for gridcoin? HM: Topped out at over 100K concurrent users but most of the time fluctuated between 40K and 80K users. HM: Well, M if place was still going that was what I was going to propose but it just ended (did not realize when I posted here)... it was still active 3 hours ago HM: The heatmap of the activity is really cool also: M: HM: We have to do something like that for gridcoin .. any idea how it could be done, beyond me .. heatmap would work for us using maybe crunching credits .. M: or Por .. HM: Interesting idea M but I have no idea how... some sort of visualization might be need... especially heatmaps showing the activity on the whitelist projects HM: may have to challenge the folk in r/dataisbeautiful to come up with something GN: If you had access to host ips you could use geolocation and overlay the visualization on an actual map... M: HM: It certainly would be a fascinating experiment we have the data so we should do something visual with it .. from netdata maybe I know some people are playing with that .. could be a heatmap of the world ..

skcin commented 6 years ago

Comment by grctest Thursday Apr 06, 2017 at 00:40 GMT

I think that a cryptocurrency/blockchain backed place clone would be pretty damn cool.

There's a couple ways it could work..

skcin commented 6 years ago

Comment by grctest Friday Apr 21, 2017 at 12:13 GMT + &

skcin commented 6 years ago

Comment by grctest Monday May 01, 2017 at 19:35 GMT

One guy has implemented a simple place equivalent for bitcoin, where users have to pay a small amount of BTC to place pixels.